Chapter 5

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*Harry's pov*

Her name is Noel.

I had a dream about her

She rings my bell

Got gym class in half an hour

Oh how she rocks...

This damn song has been stuck in my head all afternoon! Ever since I saw Lou bear and Noel hug. It was weird. Lou was bringing Noel with us to the recording studio, I'm a bit scared of this John person she always talks about. What if he does come after Louis? What if he kills Lou....

My stomach flipped at the thought of loosing sweet Louis Tomlinson. No more loud random shouts. No more his smile, no more Lou....

"Harry are you alright?" I hear Lou say resting a hand on my shoulder. I look at Louis and can see my reflection in the tinted window of our limo. I've gone pale. I unclench my hands and can see that my nails have cut into my palms.

"Harry....your scaring me mate." Lou whispers in my ear sending shivers down my spine.

"Lou...we can't trust her. John is going to come for her." I whisper just loud enough for him to hear.

Louis looks to her and his eyes go soft. A smile tugs at the corners of his mouth. That's a look he used to give me. Noel is playing with the window between the driver and us. She looked like a kid in a candy store.

"Lou please. careful." I say turning away from him.

"Always am Hazza." Lou says ruffling my hair. I can't help but smile at him.

*Noel's pov*

I was in a limo. A limo! Haha! This is possibly the best moment of my life so far! Harry and Lou were whispering about something and Harry kept glaring at me. It was like he despised me now. Ever since Louis asked me to stay his whole demeanor changed. He had stormed out of the kitchen. And slammed his door. I was so confused to how one flirty boy, can go to a person who wants my head on a plate. I stopped playing with the window and glanced at Lou. I met his Atlantic eyes and he smiled at me. I felt my cheeks warm up and looked down at my hands.

There was a bruise on my pinky. Not a small one. It went from my pinky knuckle to about the bottom of my nail.


We were out with some of Johns friends. They were drinking but at least we were in a public place. He can't beat me here. I remember reaching for his drink to have a sip when his fist came down and landed right on top of my pinky. One of his other friends kept a hand on my mouth to keep me from crying out.

"Noel Honey." John whispered in my ear. "Don't. Touch. My. Alcohol." He said each word dripped with hate.i nodded and they went back to their conversation. I looked at my hand and saw my pinky had swelled up.

"Would you like some ice?" I heard a lady whisper in my ear. Our waitress had seen what happened and had a pity look in her eyes. I nodded at her in response thankful that it would lessen the bruise.

*back to real life*

"We're here!" Lou says pulling me out of my thoughts. I shake my head and let Lou open the door for me.

I needed to get back to John. I need to make sure he's okay. But I like not being beat everyday. I like that some of my older bruises were healing. I like Louis....but I love John. I will find him.


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