Chapter 15

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Sorry for the wait. But it's a good one I promise!





"You can tell me anything." Lou's words echoed in my mind as I heard his car door slam.

Stunned. That all I felt, because I let him go. I could have confessed it all. Told him I love him. But the echo of the door just filled my house with silence once more. To fill my aching heart. My legs gave out.

"I can't I can't Lou." I said my curly locks and tears clouding my vision. I wanted to stop to try and fight my feelings toward him off.

I imagined somebody seeing me and avoiding the blob of flesh I have become. Broken. That's what I was. Broken. And all because Louis had to go pick up a stray and fall in love with her.

Noel. More like bitch.

*Noel pov*

I woke up. Cold. I have felt this before. Lost searching. The room felt empty and way to quiet. All I could hear was the pounding of my heart in my chest.

I reached to his side of the bed and found nothing. Just empty cold sheets. I opened my eyes to confirm what I had initially concluded.

Lou was gone. Left at the fist rays of sun I assumed. I smiled into my pillow. He was probably off doing something kind for someone else. He was awesome like that. A person you just wanted to be near because he glowed.

Sluggishly I climbed out of Lou's bed and headed into his kitchen. His flat was small but cute. Like him.

My stomach grumbled. Hungry. Hmm food, food is essential. I walked over to see a note on the fridge it read:

Gone to check on Harry, be back soon.

All my love

Xx Louis :)

I smiled at this. How did I become so lucky? Lou was my hero. I giggled I feel like a princess who was rescued from a beast.

A beast...John was that beast. I loved him once. But as my bruises begin to fade so does my love for him. He has a serious problem. I still care but, maybe it's just because I haven't seen him in a while.

I sighed and ate some cereal. Turning on the tele. Doctor Who was on and I grinned as I saw Matt Smith's face appear. It's a silly show but I like it.

After about an hour I heard the door open. I knew it was Lou because who else would come in now? I was to lazy to move and Doctor Who was getting intense. I heard Lou come up behind the couch.

The stench of alcohol filled my nose sending a million thoughts running though my head. I turned to see Louis, but was stunned.

It was John. Standing in Lou's flat. He was massively drunk. His eyes were filled with tears and my heart pulled towards him.

"I found you." He whispered and a few tears fell. I stood up so fast I nearly passed out I threw myself in his arms. No matter how nice it was here with Lou, I was home when I was in John's arms. He smelled like alcohol and autumn. I loved it. I loved him I just forgot that. He was sobbing into my hair eventually his legs gave out and we laid on the floor a sobbing pile of tears.

He took my face in his hands whipping away my own tears. His eyes were smiling a huge grin on his face. Happy tears flowed down his face. He began kissing me. My forehead, my cheek, and then finally my lips. My heart was doing backflips. John my John.

"I missed you so much." He croaked. His hands were in my hair. Mine on his chest. "I missed you more." I said. I meant every word.

"Come on love. Lets go home." I grinned and pulled him into another kiss.

After a lot of kissing and lost 'I love you's' we eventually got off the floor. And I started to pack my stuff. I scribbled Lou a note. Was I really just going to leave? I felt John's hands go around my waist and he kissed my neck. I giggled. Yes I was. I told Lou John had found me and I was going home. For a split second as I felt like everything was terribly wrong. But then it was gone. Just like that.

And so was I.

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