Chapter 19

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We entered to the sound of music and the strong scent of alcohol. I dig my finger nails into my palms to try and control myself. My mind wanders and I see the people at the bar. laughing and drinking. Drinking....

"Let's dance." Noel says pulling me out of my thoughts. I smile at the beautiful girl in front of me. I continue to study her features as she takes my hands allowing me to relax a bit. her face turns to a look of horror as she holds my hands in hers. I look down and see like half moon cuts in my palms. blood steaming down my hands. I must have cut into them when I was thinking about drinking.

"how did you do that?" Noel asked she looks so afraid for me. She takes my hands and puts it up to get lips. She kisses a cut. and then pulls me toward the bathroom. I'm still kind of hazy as she cleans up my now stinging hands. That's when I notice the blood on her lips. I stopped her and brushed my thumb across her bottom lip. she looked at the ground.

"I love you." I whisper to her. she looks up at me turn and smiles. she kisses me lightly and we exit the bathroom. As we exit Noel crashes into somebody. He spills his beer all over her and they both fall down. His glass shatters cutting him and her.

"Shit. I'm sorry. I don't see you." He says his thick Irish accent showing. That's when I realise I know him. It's the blonde boy I met when I was searching for Noel. Now his hair is wet with beer and there is a cut on his leg. and on his cheek. Noel looks at him and her eyes get wide and so do his.

"Noel?!" He says standing up and then helping her up. "Niall. Hey." she says and then her face scrunches up in pain. that's when I see the cut along her arm. she must have fallen into the glass. That's when I finally decide to join the conversation. "Dammit Noel I'm sorry this was a horrible idea." I say taking her arm and examining it. "We should get to a hospital." she says ignoring me. Tears dream down her face as she grabs Niall's arm. "Nice to see you again John!" Niall yells at me after exiting the bar. I just stare at the door. She just ran off with him. Not to mention he just hurt her. What am I doing? I run out of the now silent bar. I'm guessing we caused quite the scene. I sprinted to where my car was. I slow down as Noel attempts to pick the lock with a Bobby pin. Niall watching and asking her questions.

"It would be so much easier if you would let me drive the both of you love." I say and dangle my car keys at her. She looks ashamed and steps back so I can unlock it. I notice get arm is dropping blood and tears run down her face. I feel queasy, she looks like she is in so much pain.



As Niall and I sat in the waiting room of the hospital, John was getting coffee. "How is he Niall?" I ask him. not really wanting to know. My arm hurts and I'm dizzy from the loss of blood. "He's bloody miserable without you. He won't even leave the house." Niall says. I look away from my sweet blonde friend and a tear slides down my face. "Noel, you were fixing him. He was the happy Louis I remember before what happened to Eleanor." Niall says placing a hand on me. I wince as pain shoots through my arm.

"Blondie! get your hand off my girlfriend.." John tells Niall and Niall removes his hand quickly. John sits next to me when Niall's name gets called and he walks into the other room. "How do you know him?" John asked me when I should be asking him the same thing. "He's a friend of Louis..." I say and then my name gets called. I look at John. He stands up to come with me. "No John I can do this by myself." I tell him. I can tell he wants to argue but he just sits and I follow the nurse. I come into a room with a bunch of injured people separated by curtains. I'm lead into an empty one. "The doctor will be with you soon." the nurse says after cleaning my wound and removing the glass from it. Which hurt a freaking lot. I stare at my arm and the gashes that for once weren't caused by John.

"Holy Shit Nialler!" I hear someone yell in the room next to mine. I then hear Niall laughing. His laugh is so warm and happy. I smile at the sound.

"What happened?" I hear and my smile fades. I know that voice, my heart pounds in my chest. "well I was at the pub and I was drinking and I bumped into a girl and my beer spilled on the both of us and the cup fell and then so did we. Unfortunately her wounds were worse." Niall explains. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, thankful he didn't say who I was.

"who was the girl?" I hear Lou ask. My heart leaps in my throat. there is a long silence before Niall speaks. "She's in the room next to me...take a look Lou."

My heart literally stops I'm frozen in my place. I hear foot steps coming my way. I hear my heart beat in my ears. I feel tears fall from my eyes and down my face. My curtain gets pulled back and the first thing I see is his stormy blue eyes. Filed with grief and many sleepless nights. More tears flowed down my face. I took the rest of him in, his hair was matted and he was in his pajamas. "Louis." I choked out. A tear roles down his cheek and slowly walkes toward me. He places both of his warm hands on my tear stained face. I placed my hands on top of his and closed my eyes. His thumbs whipping away the tears on my cheeks. He places his forehead on my own. I could tell he was trying to hold it together, by his shaky breath on my lips. "Why did you leave without saying goodbye?" He whispered, struggling to keep his cool, voice cracking slightly. "Because I know if I saw you before I left, I wouldn't have gone. I would've stayed with you Lou. I would have curled up in your arms and stayed forever." I say lifting my head up. A whole new wave of tears falling from my eyes. Tears sparkling in his blue eyes as they meet mine.

"I wouldn't have mined that." He said with a smile. I laugh and we both smile. "Come back with me Noel." He says kissing my forehead. "Well the doctor would have to patch me up first." I say and then someone clears their throat. Louis pulls away from me and I already feel colder. I look up to see the doctor, he smiles awkwardly. "I guess that's my cue." He says and I smile. "I'll wait outside for you love." Louis says and then walks out. The doctor begins to patch up my wounds with several stitches. I finally have Louis, and he doesn't hate me.



I smiled. like really smiled, it felt good. My heart feels like an unbearable weight had been lifted off it. I walk back into Niall's room and I'm full out grinning. Niall has a grin I'm sure mirrors my own. Zayn and Liam smile at me warmly. "Hey! look guys Louis is back!" Zayn cheers. I laugh. Oh God I'm laughing.

"I'm happy for you mate." Harry's husky voice says. I can see the fake smile plastered on his face. Knowing that because I had found Noel, that there was no longer a chance for him and I. Which I'm kind of relieved about. I'm not gay, it's not that I don't like Harry. He's my best friend and that's all I'll ever see him as. Now Noel is an excuse to tell him that.

"Harry....." I started with no intention of finishing. "No Louis I understand. you loved her first. You need her as much ad she needs you." He said, continuing with that awful fake smile of his. I go over to him and just give him a hug. "Thank you for being there for me when I was a miserable pile of Shit." I said chuckling slightly. He laughs to. "Now you're just a pile of Shit." Harry said riding of that fake smile in replace for his gorgeous real one.

"How come everything always revolves around Louis?! I'm the one with a gash in my leg and face!" little Nialler shouts demanding attention. Zayn and Liam laugh. Niall just remains upset. It's good to feel again.

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