Chapter 14

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*John's pov*

Whelp...I got thrown in jail for um you know. Smashing a window. Of a tv shop. Its only for a week and then im on probation and then I have to pay a fine...But as soon as I get out of here I will find Noel. And beat the crap out of Lewis or whatever. I've been here for like four days and I'm as sobber as I've been for a long time. It's given me time to think. Thinking was awesome! I should do it more.

But without the alcohol I've had time to feel nothing but guilt for what I've done to poor little Noel. She tries to stop me from drinking. I got flashbacks of all the many times I've hit her. I pushed her down the stairs once. Yet she always stayed hoping for a good day when I didn't drink and I loved her.

The brutality of this was awful. Noel doesn't deserve someone like me. Maybe she deserves to live with Louis. To be happy, rather than hoping to be loved.

I closed my eyes and rested my head against the cool bars of my dingy cell. I just needed to find her to let her go. I just needed to get rid of this addiction. I just need to wrap my hands around Louis neck and let him know what he's done to me....I need to get out of here. Now.

*Harry's pov*

I laid in my bed. I've been here for a while, after I told Noel about my love for Lou I slipped into a funk. I didn't want to do anything. I would wake up from dreams literally screaming at Lou, screaming at him to love me.

Ugh. What have I become?! I sound like a love sick 15 year old girl! I shoved my face into my pillow and screamed. Shower...I need to shower.

I got up slowly scratching my butt, when I noticed somebody standing in the door frame. I blinked a couple times to make sure I wasn't hallucinating because I hadn't eaten in a few days.

"Hey stranger." He said his tall figure smirking at me. His piercing blue eyes taking in the pitiful sight that is Harry Styles. Me.

"What do you want?" I hissed, I literally feel like Gollum off of that one movie. Uh...rings and lords or something.

"I wanted to see how your doing, and look like shit." He said his eyes scanning me. I was in my boxers and I smelled like literal death.

"So." I spat back at him turning to my dresser. I just can't face him. I heard him sit on my bed.

"What did you tell Noel?" He said. My heart pumped faster. I looked at Louis flippin' Tomlinson who was staring at me. I coughed gasping for air. He looked puzzled.

"Harry what happened to my best friend?" He said placing a hand on my shoulder.

My whole body was shaking. Probably from starving and not moving all week....sorry body. I looked at the floor. My feet were all hobbit like...okay what is with the geeky references?! Get it together Harold. Maybe I should move more. Laying around does horrible things to my brain.

"Harry!" Lou screamed. I jumped what the hell?! Focus Harry, the love of your life is right in front of you.

"Louis, I want to tell you everything. I want to I do. But...." I felt tears starting to form. Get. It. Together. Styles.

"You can tell me anything." Lou whispered and then started to pull away.

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