Chapter 9

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*Noel's pov*

After about two hours of recording and lots of introductions we were off to lunch at Nandos. My stomach growled at Niall's description of the food there. He laughed at the desperate noise coming from my tummy.Liam rubbed my stomach slightly

"Shhh it's okay. We're going to eat." He cooed I laughed at him. Then Niall laughed and we all began laughing because Niall's laugh is contagious.

Liam, Zayn, Niall, and Louis were nothing but welcoming and absolutely hilarious. I can't remember the last time I laughed this hard.

Once we reached Nandos Niall hopped out of the car before it even stopped,screaming,

"Nandos I'm home!" Which made all of us smirk at his cuteness. Even Harry smiled a little.

Harry... What did I do to make such a fun loving boy hate me so much? He was so sweet when I first met him. Now it's like if I was in the room he was unhappy.

I shake the thought of him out of my head as Louis takes my hand intwining our fingers I smiled and he gave me a flirty wink.

I felt my heart flutter in my chest. Louis Tomlinson was sexy. His hair fell perfectly no matter how many times Zayn attempted to mess it up. He had the most gorgeous ocean eyes. And his ass. Perfect. I giggled at myself for checking him out. But a girl can look can't she?

We ate lunch and I got to know the boys more and more. Harry even kind of opened up a bit. They told me about their days at the X-Factor and their whole journey up until now. Zayn told me about Perrie. His lovely fiancé who he was deeply in love with. Liam told me about Danielle and how she held a special spot in his heart.

"So what about Niall? Who's his princess?" I ask him and he chuckles.

"Well I haven't found her yet. But the spots still open." He said to me with a wink Louis shot him a look and I blushed.

"Hey! Why don't we tell her about Eleanor?" Harry said. And suddenly the whole mood became sullen. Louis who was joking around only a second ago, was staring at his shoes and tears were about to fall. I saw Liam shoot Harry the meanest look I've seen sweet Liam give. Niall had started poking his food around.

"What? Who's Eleanor?" I ask cautiously knowing it hit a nerve.

"She was Lou's girlfriend." Zayn said softly placing a hand on Louis shoulder. Louis was still focused on the ground a saw a single tear fall.

" sent her hate. And they went to far..." Liam whispered tears in his own eyes.

"They killed her." Harry muttered looking at me strait in the eyes. His eyes filled with pain. I gasped.

"Well killed her with words. She couldn't take them she killed herself." Louis said more tears falling from his eyes.

I took his hands in mine. Who would do such a thing? Just constantly hate on someone so much that they kill themselves?! That's so terrible. Poor Louis. Poor poor Lou.

"Oh Lou." I whisper to him. Tears begging to fall. I wish I could take his pain and make it my own. He lost somebody he loved. That's gotta leave a scar.

Liam suggested we leave and we did. It was late in the evening and the sun sat low in the sky. I stayed at Lou's flat and Harry went out to party. I showered before Lou. He was in the shower now. He's been sad ever since Harry had brought up Eleanor. I wonder why Harry would do that. Why would he bring up such a painful memory? Was he trying to scare me away. I laughed to myself. That was a fail, you can't scare me easily I've been to hell and back.

Earlier Liam had noticed that I was wearing Lou's clothing so he arranged to have one of their stylists to buy me a whole new wardrobe. Which of course I protested against but I lost. I was in Louis' room it was clean and brightly painted like a light navy blue. He had a queen sized bed with a feather mattress with the fluffiest white comforter ever. I was sitting on it. My hair still wet and in Lou's shirt. I liked his shirt, even though I have my own now. I wanted to wear his.

I was going threw the bag and found all kinds of fashionable tops and pants. Tons of dresses. There were more dresses then their were shirts. I now had a dress for every occasion. The boys had really out done themselves. They even included a bottle of their perfume 'Our Moment' I liked the way it smelled.

I eventually got bored of my new clothing and put it back in its very large duffle bag. And I found a book and curled up in Louis bed reading the novel. I felt at home, which is something I haven't felt for a while. I loved the warm fluffy bed.

Tired, I put the book down and waited. It was a while before Louis came out in some Coca-Cola pajamas. His hair damp and his ocean eyes stormy. Filled with grief. He came and laid with me. He put his head in my lap and I ran my fingers through his hair he closed his eyes and tears escaped. He didn't need to say anything because I knew he missed her. I kissed the tears away and did something that shocked even myself.

I started to sing softly as my vocal cords warmed up. I knew I could sing. John used to let me sing him to sleep every night.

"Be still and know that I'm with you, be still, and know that I am near."

Lou had opened his eyes. They were smiling the storm had cleared slightly as I sung. Tears were still falling though.

" If terror falls upon your bed, and sleep no longer comes, remember all the words I said be still, and know."

I stopped because I was crying. Lou reached up whipping my tears away.

"Don't stop. Please." He croaked out. I nodded and started a new song and Lou closed his eyes, I sang to him and put my hands in his hair until he fell asleep. The soft rhythm of his chest falling up and down. I pulled the comforter up over us and I laid my head on his chest hearing his steady heart beat. He tiredly wrapped his strong arms around me and I tangled our legs together.

"Thank you." Lou whispered before falling back to sleep. I smiled and fell asleep in his warm embrace. Forgetting that I had ever lived on the streets.

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