Capricorn(f) x Scorpio(m)

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Falling in love requested by jinnie3037
"You're short"! "Shut up"! "It's too childish". I pounded on his chest as he kept insulting me. Everyday Scorpio had something to say about my appearance. I looked at Scorpio. "Well your hair is too white"! Scorpio smirked. "Ok. Your hair is to pink". I hit Scorpio on the shoulder. How dare he criticizes my hair. During class I tried fixing my hair but my friend Sagittarius kept looking at me confused. Sagittarius and I were leaving the classroom. "Why were you touching your hair". "No reason". Sagittarius smirked. "Did Scorpio make you self-conscious again"? "N-no"! I stuttered out. "Hey pork bun". Scorpio said. Sagittarius and I looked at Scorpio. "What do you want"!? Sagittarius said glaring at at Scorpio crossing her arms. "Nothing". He said. I went to slap him but he grabbed my wrist. I growled. He began walking away. "I will get you Scorpio"! I yelled. He stopped and turned around. He stuck his tounge out without emotion then continued walking away. I glared and puffed out my cheeks. The next day I was walking to school until I saw Scorpio walking on the other side of the sidewalk. I stopped and so did he. We stared at each other. He looked me up and down. "Nice dress". I blushed. "Um t-thanks". "Pork bun". That's it. I tackled him but he pushed me so that I was underneath him. He looked at my pink eyes and I looked into his grey eyes. He leaned down and I closed my eyes. He leaned down to my ear and wishpered, "pay attention". My eyes snapped open and bystanders were watching. He stood up and walked into the school entrance. I immediately stood up. Sagittarius and I were leaving the classroom and went to the roof to eat lunch together. Then I saw a fumming Scorpio standing over me. I looked up. "Hi Scorpio". He threw a crumpled up piece of paper in my lap. I saw his face falter. Confused I picked up the the paper and uncrumpled it. My eyes widened seeing what was on it. It was a picture of what happened between me and Scorpio this morning. I almost choked on my sandwich. Sagittarius escaped the convo not wanting to get involved. "How do you explain this"! Scorpio said. I stood up and puffed out my chest. "I have no idea". I said glaring but it faltered. Scorpio glared back but notice my glare faltered and his face softened. "'s not my fault"! I shouted. He growled and grabbed my wrist with a scowl on his face. "Are you fucking with me"! I winced at the pain. "Let go that hurts"! "Shut up"! I started crying. "Let go"! "Do something about this stupid rumor"! "No"! I said. "Why not"! I grabbed scorpio's tie and kissed him. "I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU"! he let go of my wrist. I fell on the ground. He steped back. "W-what"!? "I'm sorry but this entire time I had a crush on you. So I'll ask this once. Do you want to be my boyfriend". "Tch as if. Do fuck with me"! Scorpio left the roof. I laughed. Just as I thought he can't love me but it felt so good to get it off my chest. I smiled with tears falling down my face. The next day,after school I was on the roof standing on the concrete holding onto the railing with my wrist bandaged because of scorpio's powerful yet painful grip. I smiled as the wind blew threw my hair. Suddenly my vision was taking from me. I felt two arms wrap around my feild of vision. Huh? "Ugh so annoying your so short I cant even wrap my arms around your shoulders." I blushed. "Tch, so short". "Shut up". I sensed him smile. "It's cute". He turned me around. I smiled. "Capricorn I love you". He kissed me. I smiled into the kiss. "I love you too". "I love you more". "I love you most". "Ok babe you win". Scorpio and I kissed eachother again.
That's it! I hope you like it!

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