Aquarius(m) x Sagittarius(m)

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How to love a guy requested by PersonTouhou1234
I never thought I'd fall in love with a guy. I'm straight. I kept convincing myself that I was straight but I kept falling in love with him. I never liked a guy until I met Sagittarius. Just something about him made me feel attracted to him. Every girl I asked out rejected me. Whatever I just need to not think to much. Everyone has the same sex crush, right? I got dressed in my uniform and walked to school. "Hello! Aquarius"! I turned around to see my friend gemini waving at me. Her blonde hair blowing in the wind. A small blush dusted my cheeks but I saw dark bluish hair and violet eyes. God Dammit! Gemini ran up to me and grabbed my arm. "Hey come on! We'll be late"!!! Gemini said pulling me. "Oh,Aquarius good morning". Sagittarius said waving his hand. My cheeks started glowing red. I saw his face falter. "Are you sick"? Sagittarius asked. He walked towards me and placed a hand on my forehead. I blushed bright red. Gemini looked at me confused. "I-I'm f-fine"! I stuttered out. Gemini pulled his hand away from my forehead. I had to admit I was a little disappointed. "If you don't mind me and Aquarius have to go or eles we'll be late"! Gemini jerked me forward and pulling forward inside the school entrance. We parted ways and I walked into my class. Students were scattered around in their own little clicks. The bell rang and everyone took their seats and Sagittarius came in thorough the back door and took his seat next to the window. Back then the closest me a sagittarius have been were first grade when I was supposed to be casted as an extra for a wedding ad.
"Shit where is our little girl actor"? "She's late"! "Yhooo my boy can substitute"! My mom pointed to me. I was dresses up in a pink dress and mini white heels. My blonde hair was pulled into two high pigtails with flowers around the bands. "Are you my co-worker"? I looked over and saw a boy with bluish hair and violet eyes. He had a perfect smile. I blushed in embarrassment assuming he could tell I was a boy dressed as a girl My mom threw the bouquet and I was rehearsed to catch the bouquet. Except I missed it and it bounced off my hands. "It's okay. everyone makes mistakes". Sagittarius said smiling brightly at me. I stiffly turned to him. Liquid ran down my thighs. He looked at me confused and then looked down. He steeped back seeing that I peed myself. I started crying. We had to start over. This time I caught the bouquet. The staff ushered me to the dressing room. Sagittarius walked into the dressing room. I looked over and saw his shocked face and looked away. He saw the staff undressing me. He saw my flat chest and that's when he found out I was a boy. He walked over to me a took my hand placing a yellow purple marble in my hand matching my eyes. "For good luck. I always used it. I thought of you when I looked at it and I think it could help you. In 17 years you can return it when we meet again". I blushed heavily. We ended up going to the same school. And we did everything together and we were irriseperable and that was until highschool the year I completely fell for him. But he had a girlfriend. I was devastated. So I stopped but I still had small feelings for him.
End of flash back
After school the teacher wanted me to work on the sign for founders festival. I told gemini I had work to do. She nodded and headed home. I was nailing the sign on the bord. "Need help"? I looked up at Sagittarius. A little pink tinted my cheeks. "I-I'm fine". Sagittarius started helping me. I jerked away from him. "Hey I said I didn't-" I was cut off when the bords rattled seeing that my heel hit them sending them falling about the bury me. Sagittarius grabbed me by the shoulder and pulled me, my back bumping into his chest. The bords hit the ground. "Are you okay"? I moved away from him quickly. "Hey aqua I just saved your life. Can I get a thank you"? I turned around blushing. "Sagittarius I need to tell you something". "What's up"? I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "I LOVE YOU"! my eyes snapped opened when I felt warm lip connect with mine. My eyes widened but I let him do it and kissed back.
That's it. I hope you like it!

Zodiac one-shots (Discontinued)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora