chapter 13

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Finally Setsu opened her eyes and Kyoko cried out inside. Before her stood Fuwa Sho and she knew that look in his eyes. That smile on his face let Kyoko know that he was going to try and be something he could never be. Sho was nowhere even close to her Nii-san. Setsu simply looked Sho up and down before closing her eyes and leaning her head back against the wall as Kyoko screamed inside just to ignore the boy.

"That's rather rude." Sho said as he pulled one of the earphones from Setsu's ears.

The look she gave him held pure contempt. "And that's not?" Kyoko asked in perfect English.

Sho had never been good at school only barely scraping by due to Kyoko. His eyes widened, not comprehending a single word she had used. Kyoko wanted to laugh at his stupidity, but Sho wasn't happy about her showing his weaknesses.

"I know you speak Japanese." he replied finally.

Kyoko knew he was goading her into speaking with him. Keeping her voice pleasant she smirked. "Yes but you seem uneducated. Maybe your agency should send you back to school for lessons in English as well as manners, you uneducated blond gorilla."

In Sho's eyes and with the tone of Setsu's voice, he wondered just how she was complimenting him.

"Saying that... that would be rather cruel to gorillas. They are exceptionally intelligent animals, I wonder if there is anything at your level of stupidity? An amoeba maybe? Or maybe a slug?" Kyoko was elated as Sho preened under her kind sounding voice and her amused smirk. He really was an idiot.

And to think you liked him! Setsu scoffed as Kyoko shrugged. I was young and naive. Setsu just mentally shook her head. Well at least you have better things now with Nii-san, even Ren's not bad... Kyoko was shocked by Setsu's internal dialogue as much as her own complete and utter agreement with her words.

"You have a very pretty voice."

The words knocked Kyoko slightly as Setsu just raised her eyebrows as if to say, 'Is that the best you can do?'

Sho seeing this and thinking maybe this was a point he could use continued."You also have the right look for my music style. Maybe we could work together sometime?" Sho was laying it on thick. Even he knew it as he smiled winningly, leaning his body over hers to rest against the pillar. "Then maybe we could spend some time to get to know each other better."

Kyoko was disgusted as she willed Setsu to smack the git, but that wasn't Setsu's style. She was the calmer more controlled one. She smiled beautifully and just flicked her hair over her shoulder before turning on her foot and walking away with a simple,

"Not interested."

Sho's face at her reaction was one that would have Kanae laughing for ages. She had just arrived back on the scene and wondered whether to intervene. She only wished she had a camera to capture the moment for Kyoko, but it seemed the baka wasn't giving up so easy.

"Hey wait up." Sho said as he lunged forwards grabbing Setsu's arm. It was like watching Hio Kanae realised as Sho went flying over Setsu's hip. His back landed hard on the marble floor.

"Do. Not. Touch. Me!" Setsu growled now in perfect Japanese as the surrounded crowd looked on in amazement. "Would you touch all women without their consent or is it simply your lack of manners!"

Sho was grounded literally, as he looked up at the infuriated woman above him. She had seemed so sweet... so happy with his attention... or had she been? Sho wondered. He knew very little English after all. Hello and goodbye were pretty much his limit.

"Are you Ok Setsuka-San?" Kanae asked seeing the need now to step in before the girl could bring more attention to herself.

"I'm fine." Setsu replied without taking her eyes off of the still prone Sho. Her eyes simply said that he was not going to be so lucky.

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