Chapter 12

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I do not own Skip Beat!


the song’s talked about.


“Setsuka-chan really if you keep scowling in that way you will get wrinkles.” Lory said smiling happily at the small family before him and the scowing youth that sat between her parents. Kanae was still present so they were still fully immersed in their characters.

“Like Nii-san would go ahead with any of your hairbrained schemes.” Setsu hissed.

They had just listened to Lory explaining how he would be happy to form a contract with the Heels with one of their own people, a contracted girlfriend of sorts to dispel the rumours. Lory’s eyes glowed with pleasure at just how intense Kyoko’s character was. The girl who had been scared to even enter the room after Ten had first transformed her sat before him as none other than Setsuka Heel and if the fire in her eyes was anything to go by he would have to scale back on his teasing a little.

He wouldn’t be surprised if this brother loving idiot did not leap across the table and smack him otherwise.

“Come now Setsuka-chan. It would only be for two weeks. A few appearances together, public dates  where the paparazzi can snap a few pictures and it's all sorted. Maybe even one of my own girls who are already working with you could do it? Kotonami-san is rather sought after.” Lory wasn’t sure in that moment who looked more funny, Setsu who looked as if she was deciding who to hit or Kanae who looked ready to faint.

“NO!” was Setsu’s cold and  instant reply “My Nii-san does not need a fake woman and he would never agree to such a thing!”

Lory smiled sardonically. “He would if he thought it would be keeping you safe Setsuka-chan.”

Setsu literally froze, her eyes full of hate as she sat before the man. “You wouldn’t dare.”

In that moment Kanae wondered if it was part of her job description to stop the young woman from smacking her boss. After what Lory had just said she could very well justify the hit. She wouldn’t mind laying him one in this moment herself.  How the hell had he come to the conclusion of using her as a contract girlfriend? Thinking along those lines maybe she would allow Setsu to get one hit in and then stop her.

Setsu was fuming and she wasn’t afraid of allowing the man before her to see that. He was nothing compared to her Nii-san, even if she did owe him her respect in that moment she wanted to smack that smile off his face.

“Now Setsu sweetie, Lory is only trying to help.” Calvin said in his best soothing tone.

Setsu gave her father her killing glare. “NO! I will not allow it!” she cried out stamping her foot much like she had that morning before Cain. But Kanae saw this time that therr was no calming her with her brother not present. Setsu’s rage was just building with every word spoken.

“Now Lory I also do not think that any contract lover would work. Surely they would just conclude that we are doing exactly as you are suggesting and giving Cain an alibi?” Kanae watched as Setsu seemed subdued slightly by Sayuri’s words,  but also noticed the way her eyes flashed dangerously at the words 'contract lover. '

I doubt the woman would get within 10 feet of Cain before she killed them. Kanae thought as she fidgeted uneasily in her chair. She did not want to be that woman.

“I agree president, they will just think that it is too soon and too convenient.” Kanae almost let out a sigh of relief as Setsu offered her a slight smile.

Brotherly Love, Sisterly Sin. (A Skip Beat! Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now