(=SEX=) Part nine.

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"J-Jackson" I stuttered "You can't tell anyone about this, no one can know, Peirce will kill me" I said while freaking out and slipping my high heels back on.

"Hey don't freak out, I promise I won't tell anyone, I swear on my life" Jackson said comforting.

"What the hell am I going to do?" I asked as tears starts filling my eyes. I felt like a slut, a worthless, lying, cheating, slut.

"We just won't tell him" Jackson said while wiping away my tears.

"Okay I have to leave now" I croaked out and then left the room.

I had left Peirce earlier on because he made me stay with him and then decided to go and talk to his football friends. Which meant I had to stand next to him bored while listening to the other guy's conversations on how may girls they either hooked up or fucked already. I ended up getting fed up with Peirce and told him that I had to go to the toilet. On the way to the bathroom I had a few more shots of alcohol and then I somehow bumped into Jackson. Our drunken minds only made things go further and then I had ended up loosing one of the things I valued most...my virginity.

Stumbling through the hallways I headed to the kitchen for more alcohol. I found a bottle of tequila and started chugging it down. The burning pain of the alcohol sliding down my throat made me forget about my surroundings and some of my problems

"Whoa easy tiger" I head a voice say beside me and then hands came and took the bottle from me.

"Give me the fucking alcohol back" I slurred.

"I think you've had enough" the person said and then came and stood in front of me. All of my problems came crashing back as my mind realized it was Peirce.

The person who loves me, the person who abuses me, the person with a weird temper, the person I just cheated on, the person that I loved, the person that will beat me black and blue if he ever finds out I had sex with another guy.

"I want the alcohol" I whined.

"I don't think you should have anymore" Peirce said while pulling me into a comforting hug. A hug I didn't deserve.

I pulled away from Peirce and grabbed the nearest bottle of alcohol and started chugging it down.

"Do you want to pass out?" Peirce asked with a slight hint of anger in his voice.

"Maybe I fucking do" I said as my world started spinning and then everything blacked out.

I drowsily woke up and realized I was in my room and it was daylight outside.

"Now you decide fucking wake up" Peirce's voice startled me and as I looked up I saw him sitting across the room.

Memories of what I did last night came flooding back to my mind and I started bawling.

"Stop fucking crying" He said while walking over to me and slapping me really hard across the face, "It's not like you had to spend your night fucking babysitting me" Peirce said angrily while pulling me out of bed so I landed on the floor. It hurt.

"Sorry" I choked out in between tears.

"I told you to stop fucking drinking" He yelled while kicking me in the stomach. "I was having fun with my friends for once until you came and ruined it by fucking passing out so I had to bring you home and fucking babysit you" Peirce said while kicking me again.

"You could have just let me go" I sobbed and Peirce kneeled over me.

S, is for the simple need. E, is for the ecstacy. X, is just to mark the spot.Where stories live. Discover now