(=SEX=) Part two.

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S, is for the simple need. E, is for the ecstasy. X, is just to mark the spot, because that's the one you really want. ( =SEX=) Part 2

I got to school late and had to sign in at the front office. I'm really glad that the cool air had made the puffiness of my crying eyes go down. I walked to my locker and found my best friend Emma, leaning against it.

"OMG, you wouldn't believe what happened..." She started but then stopped and looked at me weirdly because she could tell something was up, "What's wrong?" She asked me concerned.

"Nothing, I'm fine. Just a bit tired..." I lied.

"You're lying, something happened, you know you can always talk to me" She said in a comforting tone.

"Pierce and I just aren't on good terms at the moment" I said sadly.

"That's not good" Emma said while pulling me into a friendly hug. Even know she said she is there for me, I wouldn't want to tell anyone about Pierce in thought of losing him. Emma would go all into over dramatics and then everyone would know, and I would lose him. I mean, it was only a little slap right?

"So what was the good, exciting news?" I asked while trying to put happiness in my voice.

"Nick asked me out" Emma said while bouncing up and down happily.

"You mean Nick Ellis?" I asked astonished.

"Yes, I'm so happy" She replied energetically.

"That's heaps cool" I answered. Nick Ellis was one of the heaps popular, hot guys in our grade. It's surprising that he would go out with her because we aren't the popular ones; we're just normal but we get along with the populars and sometimes sit at their table with them during lunch.

"That's it, get out and go to the principal's office right now!" I heard Mrs Nellie yell from her classroom that was near the lockers.

"JORDY" I yelled as he walked out of the classroom. He ran up to me and gave me a big bear hug. Jordan was my best guy friend; he was also like a brother to me. Which comes with all the lectures about if a guy ever hurts me he will cut their fingers off slowly, one by one and blah blah blah.

"Hey Paige" He said chuckling.

"Soo... You and Nick?" Jordan questioned Emma.

"Yeah" She replied with while blushing.

The sad thing about it is that Jordan has a crush on Emma, but I'm the only one who knows. He couldn't admit his feeling to her in fear of rejection. I felt sorry for him having to know that Emma and Nick are now together. I see the way Jordan looks at her, eyes full of love and passion. The silly girl hasn't even realised, did she ever even question the way Jordan looks at her? I guess it's too late now because she's with Nick, but knowing Jordan, he won't stop loving her.

"Aren't you meant to be at the principal's office?" I asked Jordan while smirking and playfully punching his arm.

"Aren't you meant to be in class?" He questioned me with a grin.

"Yea, I'm getting there" I replied with a laugh.

"Catch ya later" Jordan said and then walked of in the direction of the office.

I checked the time on my phone and laughed, we had missed the whole of first period and the bell was about to ring for second.

"Well I've got maths now" Emma said in a bored tone.

"Like biology is any better" I stated. We said goodbye to each other and then headed off to our lessons. Thankfully, Peirce wasn't in the same biology class as me.  

S, is for the simple need. E, is for the ecstacy. X, is just to mark the spot.Where stories live. Discover now