Chapter 27

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Anna's POV.

I roll over as there's a loud knock at the door. I groan. The door opens.

"Anna? It's almost eleven. I brought you some breakfast," My mom says. I roll over and face her, she stands there with a plate and a glass of milk. I rub my eyes. She walks over and sets the plate and glass next to me on the nightstand. I sit up. "I'm so exhausted," I say, stretching. She smiles. "It's Sunday, you don't have to go anywhere," She says. I smile.

She turns around and walks out. She closes the door. I look over at the plate. There's scrambled eggs and some toast and fruit. I grab the plate and set it on my lap. I sigh as I start eating the eggs.

I snuck back in around two. It took forever to come home. The party was about a fifteen minute drive from my house. The walk was two hours.

I stayed up for another hour, worrying about Jace. He's never acted like that with me. He's certainly never shaken me. He wouldn't lay a hand on me, unless something's really wrong. I know there is something wrong. I know he feels he should be punished for not saving Jack.

I take another bite of my eggs. I grab my phone and look at my notifications, just in case Jace might've messaged me.

But he didn't.

No one did.

I push up my lips. I call Jace, hoping he is home and can answer. But there is no answer.

I finish the eggs, and move on to the toast and fruit. I sigh, my mind racing with thoughts.

I try to call Jace again. But no answer. I call Peyton. No answer. I squint my eyes in frustration.

I stand up with my empty plate and glass. I start to walk out of the room, when my phone rings. I turn around and run back. I set the plate and glass on the nightstand. I grab my phone and answer the unknown number.

"Hello?" I ask, frantically. I push my hair back out of my face.

"Anna?" Jace asks.

"Jace, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," He says.

I pause. "Are you sure? Where are you?"

"Where do you think I am? I turned myself in," He says. My jaw drops. My eyes widen.

"What the fuck? Why? You idiot, you didn't do it!"

"I could've saved Jack, Anna! I could've! But I didn't! I let him get shot by Montgomery! That's just as bad as if I did shoot him," He says.

"What's gonna happen? How long are you there?" I ask.

"The court hearing is held tomorrow. If the jury finds me guilty, I'm facing the death penalty," He says.

My heart shatters. I gulp. I feel my temper explode inside me and I blow up. "You can't! You can't do this, Jace! Why? What the fuck is wrong with you! Why are you involved in these groups?"

"For fucks sake, Anna! You're supposed to support me not make me feel worse than I already do!"

I stay silent. "I'm sorry, Jace. I-"

"I gotta go. We'll see what happens tomorrow," He hisses.

"Jace, I'm sorry!"

"Bye Anna," He says.

"I love-"

Beep, Beep, Beep.

I feel tears in my eyes. I grip my phone tight. My eyes crinkle up. I look at my phone and toss it on the bed.

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