Chapter 15

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Jace's POV.

I sit in my car, at a red light. Anna sits next to me, looking out the window. Her hands in her lap.

I think it's time for the guys to meet her. As dangerous as it is, she deserves to know my best friends. I can trust her. That's really important to me.

I finally press the gas once the light changes to green. Anna's phone vibrates. She glances down at it. She seems to look at it a little longer than I thought she would. Which makes me curious.

"Who is it?" I ask.

"My mom," She says softly. She sniffles. She lets out a deep breath. "Just pull over and throw me out in the middle of the highway. Let me get run over by multiple vehicles and let my remains be some animals dinner." She says sarcastically.

I smirk. "Something happen?" I ask, keeping my eyes on the road.

"I'm serious, Jace. Throwing me out of the car while it's moving sounds really nice right now," She says, staring out the window.

I squint my eyes. "Why are you plotting your death?"

She sighs. "My dad left. He's pissed off at me. So he left," She says. My eyes widen. "He left because you're gone?"

She nods. "Now my brother and sister are mad at me. My parents are fighting. I caused the family to break apart," She says.

"You didn't do this, Anna. Your dad is being stubborn. Why are your parents fighting?"

"I don't know. My mom probably wants to side with me but can't because he's controlling," She says.

I sigh. "Is he coming back?"

"I don't know."

I turn the corner as we arrive at Peyton's. I park the car and turn it off. Anna stares at the dashboard. I take off my seatbelt.

"Are you coming?" I ask.

She looks over. "I guess," She mutters. She takes off her seatbelt. She opens the door and climbs out.

I walk around the car and wrap my arm around her. She rests her head on my shoulder. We walk up to the front door. I knock on the door.

Peyton opens the door. "Hey!" He says. "Hey!"

He looks at Anna. He smiles. She flashes a fake smile. We walk inside. Anna looks down as she takes off her shoes.

"Um, I would like you guys to meet my girlfriend Laura," He points. I look up and see a girl with red hair and green eyes sitting on the couch. Anna looks up. "Hi!" Laura greets.

"H-Hi," Anna stutters. Laura stands up and walks over. "I'm Anna," Anna says. Laura nods. "I love your name!"

Anna flashes another fake smile. "Thanks," She nods.

Peyton squints his eyes and looks at me. "I'm sorry. I'm being extremely rude. I'm just stressed out," She shakes her head. She turns to me. "I should just go back to the car," She points. "Or maybe just lay in the middle of the street and wait to get ambushed."

Peyton snickers. Laura gives a shocked look, and then starts nervously laughing. I look down.

"I hope you're joking," Laura says.

"At this point I'm not," Anna shakes her head. Peyton stops chuckling. Laura's eyes widen. I bite my lip.

I grab Anna's hand and pull her with me to the couch. We sit down. "Cheer up, Savannah Rae," I smile. Putting a finger under her chin and gently lifting her head.

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