Chapter 33

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Anna's POV.

Being released from the hospital was amazing. It felt amazing, I felt like I was being placed into safety.

After the whole attack, I'm scared of being alone. I'm scared of a few things. But being alone is one of them, because if I'm alone, no one can protect me or save me if something else happens.

I don't know what could happen.

I surely didn't see the attack coming.

I walk into the house, feeling comfortable. I'm finally home.

I look around. "Are you hungry? I can make you something?" My mom offers. I turn to her, and smile and nod. She smiles. I sit on the couch.

"Anna, id like to talk to you," My dad says. I look up at him. "Yeah?" I ask.

He sits next to me. "You know, honesty, that's all I want in this house," He starts. I tilt my head. He gulps. "I just-I feel like you aren't being honest with your mom and I," he says. I part my lips. "Really?"

He nods. "I know you are going to hate me for saying this, but Anna, you've changed into a person I don't know," He says. My eyes widen. "I know I've changed, dad. Please, stop trying to change me back."

"Anna, we know what you do!" He shouts. I jump back a tiny bit. "What?" I ask softly. He sighs.

"We know what you do, okay? You can't hide it very well," He says. My heart drops. "We know you drink, because you never spend the night at Jace's house unless you're drunk. You never answer your phone when you're at his house. We know you smoke marijuana, because the doctors found it in your system. We can't trust you, Anna. You know I need trust to have a relationship. If I can't trust my own child, then, I can't have my child."

My eyes widen. "You're kicking me out again?"

He shakes his head. "You're a great child, Anna. I don't want you to end up hurt again. I also don't want a criminal in my family," He says.

"A criminal? Dad, you're crazy. I haven't done anything wrong. Yes, I drink, I smoke. But I'm still working hard to graduate like you want me to! I'm still responsible!"

"I don't want any of my children ending up like you!" He yells.

My heart drops. I slowly nod. I look down. "You NEVER fail to make me feel like I'm the worst person in the family," I say softly. I stand up. He looks up at me, with an upset look.

"Anna, I didn't mean it that way." He says.

"I got what you meant, dad. I'm sorry I'm not Maddy. I don't go through high school completely sober. I'm sorry Im dating someone before I'm eighteen, Im sorry I don't know exactly what I want to do in the future. I'm really sorry, I'm the fuck up you don't want. I'm really sorry, you have put up with me for another year," my voice cracks.

My mom steps out from the kitchen. I look at her. "I don't want anymore explanations, or sit downs. It's the same shit every time. You guys never let me explain my side, or let me be proud of myself," I say. I turn to the stairs, and walk up.

"Anna, I'm sorry," My dad says.

I ignore him, and walk upstairs.

I walk in my room, slamming the door behind me. I look at my window, noticing it's open. My jaw drops. I walk over and look around outside the window. I gulp and grab my phone. I text Jace.

Anna: I'm home now.

Jace: school just got out. can I come visit you? I got a surprise.

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