Chapter 50

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Jace's POV.

I wake up in bed, feeling my stomach tighten up. I gag as I sit up. I grab my phone and read my messages from overnight.

Anna: hey, doing anything today?

Jace: nope.

Anna: okay. We should hang out!

Jace: where do you wanna go?

Anna: We could go to a food truck?

Jace: okay cool. are we meeting there?

Anna: No, I can pick you up.

Jace: mmkay. see you whenever.

Anna: I'll come around one. I gotta help my mom pack.

Jace: pack for what?

Anna: I'll tell you later.

I crawl out of bed. After I got home last night, I was thinking about everything. Anna, treatment, myself. It's all coming at me and I've never had to make these decisions before.

I want to go to treatment for Anna. I want to go for myself, most importantly. I don't want to be like this my entire life. I want to marry Anna, maybe have kids with her, grow old with her, die with her. I don't want to be addicted to anything except her.

I walk downstairs to the kitchen, where my mom stands. She turns to me. "Get dressed," She demands.

I look down at my sweatpants. "Where are we going?" I ask, turning around and walking back to the stairs.

"You're going to day treatment," She says.

I turn my head as I stop on the steps. "Day treatment? Right now?" I ask.

She nods. "It's time Jace, you aren't doing this to yourself or the family or Anna anymore," She says shaking her head.

I nod. "I know," I say. I walk upstairs to get ready.

Anna's POV.

I park in Jace's driveway, and sit  back in the drivers seat. I sigh.

I'm really happy we're hanging out. I really need to talk to someone, and Jace has always been the right person to go to.

I look up as I see him walk out of his house. I smile. He smiles back at me and walks to the passenger side of the car. He opens the door and gets in.

"Hey Anne," He says, chuckling.

I laugh. "Jason, how are you?" I ask.

He laughs. "I'm pretty good, actually," He says, tapping his foot against the floorboard. I smile and nod. I back out of the driveway.

"Really? Why is that?" I ask.

He looks at me. "I went to day treatment today," He says.

My eyes widen. "You went? Already?" I ask. He nods. "It's three hours, five days a week for the next month, I think?"

I look at him quick. "That's huge!" I say. He nods.

"You know, I witnessed a lot at treatment today. I didn't realize how much I could learn from just three hours. But, I think I know what I want to do now."

"What do you mean? As in your future?"

He nods. "I wanna be an EMT," He says. I crack a smile. "Really?"

He nods. "I think it's something I could actually do," He says. I nod. "That's really cool, dude. I'm proud of you," I say. He smiles. I glance quick at his smile, seeing pure, genuine happiness.

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