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So as you may know, Danger is over. I personally love it. It was originally supposed to end at 30 chapters, then I extended it to 40, and then 50. Just because I love it so much and I didn't wanna let go. But i gotta move onto something new.

I just want to thank all of you for reading, voting, commenting, keeping up with the story. I didn't think it'd have a lot of success. But it was something totally different than what the fandom usually writes about. I mean, let's be honest, only I would find a way to take a nickelodeon actor and use him in a story revolved around gangs, drugs, alcohol, and sex. but hey it happened!

you guys are so sweet and I can't believe it's over. I truly will miss writing about Jace and Anna. I had fun with this story, and I just hope you guys had fun reading it as much as I did writing. Often times I'd find myself having seizure like moments on my bed bc FEELS.

Anyways, again thank you so much. I love you all.


Danger // J.NWhere stories live. Discover now