Chapter 21

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Anna's POV.

Last night was an up and down mix of emotions. Shortly after Jace started hanging out my mom and I, my mom accepted him. Which is great! She understands that even though he uses drugs and alcohol, he's still a human being. And he treats me well.

But before Jace left, we were in the lobby and two police officers walked into the lobby.

And of course,

I watched them take him away.

My mom was shocked. I was too. I thought it was because of a robbery. But it turns out, he never even did the robbery he was telling me about. The guy who wouldn't keep his hands off me, called the police on Jace for assault.

My mom isn't too happy about that. But she understands that the reason he was arrested wasn't a terrible reason. He was standing up for me. The guy wasn't even hurt.

Im upset Jace is in jail. The second time he's been in jail in our two week long relationship.

Crazy, right? Two weeks. Two weeks and SO much has happened.

Anyways, I'm just upset how Jace is always in trouble with the law. I wish he wasn't. I wish he found something that he loves doing besides getting in trouble.

But I guess that's just him.

I can't do anything about it.

My mom and I are staying a couple more nights here at the hotel. Dads still lost his mind. Addy and Andrew are terrified of him. Maddy came home and is basically watching them. A lot has happened, and it's weird knowing that a big part of my families issue right now is because of me.

But for some reason, I still don't regret a thing.

I sit in the student lounge. I scroll through online websites, looking clothes. I usually have English this hour, but since I got my work done, I got released early.

My phone vibrates. Jace texted me.

Jace: just got out.

Anna: celebrate?

Jace: I was going to. idk bout you.

Anna: when are you gonna come to my school 😂

Jace: my mom said I got accepted, I just have to audition or some shit.

Anna: YAY. OMG.

Jace: it's not that great.

Anna: yes it is!!!! you'll love this school. I swear. it's great.

Jace: honestly I won't last 😂

Anna; wym

Jace: I get kicked out or something. it's a cycle.

Anna: promise me you won't get kicked out? don't start fights? 😂

Jace: no promises.

Anna: whatever. I'm sure you'll like it here.

Jace: the last school I liked was the kindergarten center I went to in New Mexico.

Anna: you lived in New Mexico???

Jace: you didn't know? 😂

Anna; nope 😂

Jace: wanna go out for lunch.

Anna: I got two more classes.

Jace: idc.

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