Chapter 10

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Anna's POV.

It's finally Saturday morning. I roll over and breathe in the fresh air. I smash my face into the pillow and pull the comforter over my head.

"Savannah? Savannah Rae!"

I groan. I roll over and look at the clock.


"Too early," I mutter.

"Savannah!" My dad shouts. I groan and sit up. "What?" I yell back.

He opens the door. I look over while I rub my eyes.

"We're leaving. Your mom made breakfast," He says.

"It's too early. I want sleep," I say, laying back down.

"Come say goodbye to your mom and I," He says.

I groan. I sit up. I pull down the comforter and sheet. I crawl out of bed. I stumble to the door. My dad looks at me.

We walk downstairs. Andrew and Addy sit at the table, eating.

"Okay Anna, you're in charge for the weekend. No one is leaving the house, except Addy. No one is coming over. And I'm leaving money so you can order a pizza for dinner tonight," My mom says.

"Why is Addy leaving?" I ask, leaning against the counter. I pick up the container of strawberries. I open it and take one out.

"I have my sleepover with my soccer team," She says. I nod.

"No one comes over, got it?" She reassures.

I nod. "No one comes over." I repeat.

On the inside, I could care less.

"No video games, no hot tub, no trampoline, and no desserts," My mom says. "Tomorrow night, bedtime is 8:30. Homework needs to be done at 7. We'll call and make sure you are doing it." I nod.

My dad slips on his coat. "We'll be back Monday before you get home from school. Savannah, we're trusting you," He gives me the eye. I nod. "It'll be okay," I say. He nods.

My mom picks up her purse and sweater. She kisses Addy and Andrew goodbye. She kisses my cheek. "Goodbye!" She waves. We all wave.

The door closes. I tilt my head and let out a sigh of relief. "Finally."

"What?" Andrew asks.

"I've been waiting for them to leave for so long. A whole weekend without them," I say. I hold up my hands and put them together in prayer position. I look up at the ceiling.

"Thank you, lord. Thank you," I say, being dramatic.

Addy giggles. "Are you gonna have your boyfriend over?"

I look at her. "Maybe. Maybe not. If I do, you two have to promise to keep it a secret," I say.

Addy stands up and picks up her plate. "You can trust me! I won't even be here," She says. I smile. I look at Andrew. "I finally have a weekend to binge on video games. Do you think I'm gonna care?" He asks. I laugh.

Addy stands up and opens the freezer. She takes out a carton of mint chocolate chip ice cream. She grabs a spoon from the drawer. I watch her. She looks up as she scoops up a spoonful. I cross my arms and glare at her.

She turns to the drawer and takes out another spoon. She hands it to me. I smile and take it. I scoop up a spoonful of ice cream.


I sit on the couch, watching TV. Waiting for Jace to come over. I wear a black crop top with a black and grey flannel, and black high wasted shorts.

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