46. Taken

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~Back at the lab where Iris is pissed~

"Tori lied to me" She says, unable to believe her best friend.

"Tori! Where is she?" Barry sits up, awaking from consciousness.

"Well, you see. She went to find Joe" Cisco says, holding an ice pack to his head.

"What?!" He begins to stand up but Caitlin pushes him back down.

"You're experiencing a spike of activity in your primary motor cortex. It's the same thing we saw in Eiling"

"I don't care! Tori and Joe are in the sewers"

"Tori will be fine and plus she's already looking for Joe" Caitlin states.

"Guys!" they hear Tori.

"Tori" Barry uses his speed to run to the mic.

"Tori, where are you?"

"In the sewer?"

"I mean where in the sewer?"

"I'm not quite sure, maybe under 5th" she guesses,"but I'm getting close. I can hear noises"

"Sweetheart, you need to get out of there"

"I need to find Joe" she says and before Barry can reply, they all hear her grunt, notifying that something happened down there.

~in the sewer~

"I need to find Joe" she says before looking up after hearing a noise and as she does so, she is thrown to the wall.

She stands back up to see the rather large gorilla sanding in front of her.

Grodd tries to get into Tori's mind but for some reason, he fails in doing so. Once he realizes this, he gets mad and begins to run to her but before he gets to her, she teleports behind him.

"Where is the man you just took!?" She tells as he turns back around.

Because Grodd couldn't get into her mind, he couldn't communicate anything to her.

Tori is confused but before she gets frustrated, she is picked up and ran out of the sewers.

"Barry!" She yells at him, throwing her mask off once they reach the cortex.

"You were going to get hurt"

"I was going to find Joe, Allen" she snaps back.

"Well, it didn't look too successful" he replies in the same tone as her.

"Okay, okay, break it up guys" Cisco stands between them,"Tori, we noticed no spikes or changes in your brainwaves through your suit"

"You can track that?" She asks.

"It's in your mask" Cisco replies

"That means he couldn't get to your mind. It seemed that he was communicating through Eiling, taking over his brain and telling him what to say and do" Caitlin explains,"but he couldn't even say no on his own if he wanted to"

"Well, why didn't he control my mind or whatever"

"I think your powers got stronger and you can ward off telepathic communications and control now since the last time that happened" Caitlin adds.

"Tori, this is great to find out and all but I need to talk to you. Now" Iris says.

"Alright" she says shakily,"let me just take this off. I smell like sewer"

Once she's changed into her regular clothes, she follows Iris out of the cortex and down the hall where Iris stops her in her tracks.

"You lied to me" Iris starts off, angry,"you looked in my eyes and told me you would tell me if you were her and you made me look absolutely stupid! It was so obvious but I wanted to believe you. That you weren't lying to me!"

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