21. Wonderess

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It was now dark out as Tori hid behind a large truck at the airport for private jets.

The police cars started speeding in and she peeked over to see Snart with the cold gun, shooting it at the officers who were using Cisco's shield.

"That God damn gun, Cisco" she mumbles to herself before moving closer so she could see Snart more but she was hidden from everybody.

As he was shooting the gun, he knocks down a few of the officers so she decides to help just a little.

She brings her hand up and melts the ice he is shooting.

"What the hell!" He shouts looking at his gun.

She hears him yell something before he starts shooting again when Tori sees another guy walking up to Snart with a gun similar to his but with red accents.

"Why do they call you the heat? I'm the heat!" He yells before shooting his gun.

Tori's jaw drops as fire shoots from it.

"It's beautiful!" He yells.

"Someone's crazy" Tori scoffs before putting her hand in front of her again and freezing the fire.

"What the hell, Leonard!" He yells at his partner.

"That's not me, Mick!"

Tori chuckles at the two men looking confused.

She looks at the police and sees Joe behind a shield and he shoots his gun at the two men.

He shoots right at Mick's gun, breaking it.

"Mick, we go now!" Snart says and Mick runs away, taking a painting and Snart follows shortly after.

Tori looks back at the police and sees Joe looking in her direction.

He looks at her, confused.

Has he seen me in my suit before?

Before he can have a closer look, she leaves.

She flashes back into her home and grabs her phone from inside her suit because that's just what she does.

She also installed a small pocket in her suit to do just that.

To: Cuz

Are you at the lab

From: Cuz

No, I'm meeting that professor to talk about Firestorm. Supposed to be there at 7:30. Why?

To: Cuz

Is anybody there?

From: Cuz

Maybe Cisco. Idk

Tori sighs before teleporting to the lab so she could get out of her suit and when she gets there, Cisco is in the cortex with his arms crossed over his chest, looking at Tori.

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