14. Encounter

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The next day was another training day in the cortex for Tori as there were no meta human activity...yet.

So far they have found out that Tori doesn't have super strength, she's just not able to get hurt. Invincible as you may say.

"When she punched Tony, he was in mid metal-to-human form and since she's basically invincible, she didn't feel the pain in her hand" Caitlin explains.

"Cool, so we should probably practice my strength for punching and stuff so I can fight better"

"Wait, what do you mean?" Caitlin asks,"I thought that was a one time thing? To get back at your old bully and feel a sense of accomplishment?"

"Well, yeah, but after that I felt so good. I felt like I finally had a purpose to be alive, you know. I'm doing something with my life now" Tori explains.

"Tori, it's too dangerous" the cousin counters.

"Caitlin, I'm basically invincible. Nothing can hurt me" Tori chuckles.

"Yeah, but you're not bulletproof" Cisco laughs slightly and then suddenly stops, "Are you?"

"Let's see" Tori smirks and goes to grab one of the handguns they kept in a room down the hall.

"Wait, no Tori we can't-" Barry speaks up.

"There's only one way to test this out" she says and hands the gun to Cisco.

"Shoot me in the leg" she says while smiling widely.

Cisco raises an eyebrow at her before shrugging and he points the gun at her leg. Tori stands still, waiting but Cisco doesn't pull the trigger.

"I can't, Tori"

"Fine, give me the gun" she says and grabs the gun.

"Why did you give her the gun?" Caitlin automatically yells.

"She took it out of my hand!"

"Guys we shouldn't-" Barry is cut off by a BANG and then a Clang.

Everybody turns around to see Tori clutching her thigh, groaning in pain and Barry speeds to her.

"Why did you do that?!" He asks, panicking.

"To see if I'm bulletproof" she groans before standing up straight,"which I am. Lol. Who wants some Big Belly Burger?" She says.

Cisco has his jaw dropped along with Caitlin.

"What the- you could've gotten hurt if you weren't bulletproof you know!" Barry yells frantically.

"Well then we wouldn't know if I was bulletproof, would we? Plus I'm fine, sweetheart, stop worrying" she says, lightly patting his cheek and sitting down at the computers.

Barry's phone breaks the silence as he gets a message from Iris's blog.

'I need some help. Do you mind meeting me?'

"Who was that?" Caitlin asks nosily.

"Umm, a friend. I gotta go, they need some help...moving into their new apartment" Barry lies making Tori raise an eyebrow at him.

"I'll see you guys later" he smiles at them, touching Tori's shoulder before speeding to Jitter's after quickly putting on the suit and then turning off his location stuff so the crew back at the labs wouldn't track him like he knew they would.

He speeds up to the roof were he finds Iris.

"Said you needed help?" Barry says, vibrating his vocal chords.

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