11. Training and Men of Steel

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"Ready to train!?" Cisco tries to get Tori pumped and she stares at him with no emotion.

"It's 9 in the morning. No. Now shut up" she says before yawning.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed" he replies and she glares at him, raising her hand before shooting water at him.

"Hey! It's freezing? How did you change the temperature? The last time you shot me it was room temperature" he asks and she shrugs.

"I've been working on slight temperature changing" she says and Caitlin and Wells enter the room.

"Ok so the evidence we have so far that you are capable of teleportation is the difference in reactions between you and Barry when you lack glucose. You get sick and he faints. We just need to test first if you have speed and if you don't, then we know the answer. Are you ready for some running?" Caitlin finishes.

"No. I have not ran since Junior year in high school. Or at least not long distance" Tori explains as they walked to the tread mill.

Tori stood on top, getting ready to start at a regular pace.

"Wait!" She hears Cisco from outside before he opens the door, entering with a bunch of cushion.

"Just in case" he says before giving her a thumbs up and leaving.

The tread mill starts at a slow pace and she jogs. It slowly got faster until she was at a sprint.

She panted as she tried to keep up with the speed of the machine, feeling sweat form at the edge of her hairline.

She tries running faster, hoping she'd feel electricity, telling her she was a speedster but felt nothing.

Suddenly, Tori was flying backwards into the cushion pile.

She heard footsteps enter the room and a pair of hands help her up.

"Good thing I put those there I guess" Cisco mumbles, helping her up and out into the cortex.

They spent 10 minutes giving her water and time to get her heart beat to regular speed which was now sped up because of her meta human abilities.

"Guess you're a teleporter!" Cisco says excitedly and she nods.

"Caitlin, do you think Barry's nutrition bars would help me, too? I'm feeling a bit fatigued and my temperature is abnormal" Tori asks and Caitlin nods before digging them up in another room and giving her one.

Tori took a bite and was surprised at how tasty they were.

She tastes chocolate and oats and some dried up fruit, like how a normal nutrition bar would taste like.

"These are really good, Cisco" she compliments his work and he throws a fist in the air.


"Ok, Miss Baker, are you ready to try teleportation?" Dr. Wells wheels in and she nods.

Everyone heads to the elevator to go down into the basement to train.

Once they reach the level, Cisco starts marking the floor with some chalk and Dr. Wells starts speaking.

"I believe, that because you have the abilities to make water, that your cells turn you into water, which evaporates into air, and that's what makes you teleport"

"Wouldn't I just disappear into thin air, Dr. Wells" she chuckles.

"Only if you were 100% H2O cells, which you are not obviously or else you'd be a puddle on the floor as we speak. Also, you have control over your water cells, enough control to make sure you don't disappear" Wells explains and Tori sees his point.

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