33. Take It Back Now, Yall

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To say things began falling apart once Tori left was an understatement.

Joe has been kidnapped by Mardon and Cisco is killed within the span of two hours.

And now there's a killer wave (aka a tsunami) heading straight toward Central City.

Tori, on the other hand, had just got to Felicity Smoak's house and the two were headed to Verdant in her car within the first 20 minutes of Tori's arrival.

"So are you sure you want to do this?" Felicity asks.

"Why does everyone keep asking me that" Tori chuckles.

"Because when you train with Oliver, you get hard" Felicity says before wincing in internal pain,"I mean hard-headed. Almost as if you served in the military for 30 years"

"I think I'll be fine"

"Just don't lose yourself, alright?" Felicity smiles at Tori and she smiles back.

They reach Verdant, entering before walking down to the basement. Oliver stood there with John Diggle and Roy Harper, ready for Tori to enter.

"Ready for training?" Oliver says as Roy walked toward her slowly.

"Uh...yeah" she looks at Roy who walks behind her now.

Suddenly, Roy stabs something in her neck.

"A dose of a drug that makes you hallucinate" Oliver explains as Tori's vision becomes blurry.

"You will see Roy and I become the person or people who are stopping you or maybe even your greatest fear" Oliver says as he turns into Tori from Tori's point of view.

"You will fight her" Oliver/ Tori says before running toward her.

By now Tori was fighting who she thought was herself.

"You are a coward" Tori #2 says as they fought.

Tori #1 flipped Tori #2 before the two stood back up.

Tori #2 then slowly formed into Wonderess.

"You have failed to protect this city. You should just let Barry do the work. Let the man take over" Wonderess smirked, throwing a punch at Tori's stomach in which she stumbled back and groaned.

A hand reaches out to help her but when Tori looks up, it's Brooke.

Tori's eyes widen and Brooke punches her.

Tori immediately stands up before kicking her across the face, making her stumble back then grabbing a metal bar, fighting Tori with that.

Tori managed to take the bar from Brooke, pinning her down before lifting her hand, ready to hit her but she paused, seeing her sister struggle as she gripped her neck.

Tori stepped off, backing away before hitting the wall, falling down it while groaning, the drug wearing off and Roy and Oliver becoming themselves again.

"I hate that I can't even fight a replica of my sister" Tori mumbles as Oliver kneels down next to her.

"This is why you're in training" he says before holding his hand out to help her up.

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