Dear Jay...Pt II{Jay x Reader}

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I haven't updated in 5ever I'm so sorry! I've had no inspiration, but I hope this makes up for it 💗

My eyes scanned over the note that was attached to my locker. Every word a stab to my heart. How could I have been so oblivious to her affection? How could I let her fall away from me as I rose to popularity?

I regretted everything.

I didn't realize what I was doing until she wrote it, but now it's too late.

I completely left her in the dust and got new friends and even a girlfriend. I broke the girl that loved me more than anyone else.

I broke the girl I loved more than anyone else.

I ran a hand through my hair. My hands shaked as I dialed her number. I had to make this right. I didn't want her to leave. I should've never let her out of my sights. Truth is the guys are wonderful friends, and Nya was great. Yet, she liked Cole more than me. Things between us are long gone; we are now just friends and I like it that way.

I slowly brought the phone up to my ear expecting to hear ringing, but there wasn't. It didn't ring at all making me even more nervous. I sighed , hoping I wasn't too late, as I raced into my car and zoomed off to her house.

My feet trotted up the concrete stairs of her family home, being as loud as thunder it seemed. Making my way to the door, I knocked as loudly and quickly as I could.

All there was was silence. I felt my heart race quicker by the moment and seemed to beat so loud that anyone around could here it. Then suddenly, I heard shuffling coming from the other side of the door. A wave of relief came over me as the lock of the door clicked- the door came creaking open.

Sadly, it was only her mom. Even more sad, she was crying, and in that moment I knew I was too late.

"Mrs. (l/n). What's wrong?" I asked politely, knowing the words that were going to come out of her mouth. I watched as she only began sobbing more. "Oh Jay sweetie..." (y/n)'s mom stuttered, not knowing how to put things into words, obviously. "She left already didn't she? I missed her..." I interrupted a wave of grief coming over me. (Y/n)'s mom sighed. "Y-you did." She sniffled. "But something happened."
I listened to her mom as my whole world seem to crumble right before me. The words that escaped her lips were ones I thought I'd never hear. Words I wish I could forget, and have everything be okay—but everything wasn't okay. My best friend, my love. She was in a comma.

(Y/n)'s mom explained to me that she had been in a serious car accident on her way to her new life. She was hit by a drunk diver and her car rolled into a ditch. It's lucky she's still alive, but technically, she may be sleeping for years, unless by some unlucky chance she were to go brain dead before that ever happened.

Tears ran down my cheeks as I drove to the hospital that her mom had directed me to. I immediately found the nearest parking spot, charging into the hospital. I rushed up to the front desk feeling every emotion possible. "Ms. (Y/n) (l/n)'s room please." I said frantically as tears still fell. The receptionist point to the direction of the room telling me the number.

My footsteps echoed on the tiled floor. Knocking on the door I carefully walked in; although it wouldn't have made any difference if I knocked. She wasn't responsive.

My heart sunk as I saw her body. Bruised, stitched, and seemingly lifeless, she laid there. It hurt to see her like this. It was a stab to my heart.

I simply sat by her bed side, just crying for hours.

The nurses came in every once in a while to check up on both her and me. "Is there anything we can do for you?" One of the nurses asked me politely.
Thinking for a moment I sniffed and nodded. "I need...." I said as I began telling the nurses my needed items; which then they quickly came back with. Thanking them I quickly got to work.
My tongue ran across the tacky envelope slip as I sealed the note shut.

In the nicest hand writing possible I wrote her lovely name on the envelope and placed it in her hands.

Kissing her forehead and stroking her hair softly, I spoke some last worst. "Please, Wake Up."

And with the envelope left in her hands and my last words said; I left. Hoping and praying to the first spinjitzu master that she would wake up.

Okay, so I actually really enjoyed writing this chapter! I hope you liked it and I hope you know who's point of view it was in 😉

Anyways I would like to apologize for taking so long to update. Life has been a roller coaster. Some highs, some lows. I'm just trying to get through it, but hopefully I can keep updating for you guys.

Let me know if you want a part III. 😁

Till next time

peace! ✌️

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