I'm coming home {Young Wu x Reader}

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(Y/n) and Wu have known each other ever since they were little kids, they became the best of friends ever since they met.

Both of you were a like in some ways. Wu was calm and collective. When you were too crazy or just needed someone to listen to you, he was there. And you knew he would always be there.

But there came a time when you moved away from him. It wasn't very far but you were now 10 and he was 11, and at that age it's hard to find another best friend when you've know this one for so long.

You had a hard time with the move. You may have grown a small crush on him from the time before you did.

It wasn't miles and miles away but not that close. You only had moved to a neighboring city but it meant you couldn't see Wu as often as you would like.

But you two would often visit each other once every month and lets just say you're feelings for him only grew.

Once you had finally reached age 12 and he was 13, everything fell apart.

Wu's brother Garmadon had been bitten my the great devourer which now meant he had evil coursing through his veins. Wu's father decided it was best to keep both boys locked in the monestary where things wouldn't get worse.

Which also meant no more seeing his best friend (y/n).


It was finally you're seventeenth birthday and you were technically considered an adult. And lets just say that puberty had hitten you like a truck.

You were less crazy, and more sophisticated, and also mature. You're hair now a darker shade of (h/c), and also longer/shorter. You're body features more pronounced. And you were finally ready to have the best day of you're life.

Little did you know you're parents were going to throw you a surprise birthday party with a certain eighteen year old you hadn't seen in over 6 years.

"(Y/n), darling. Can you come here please." Your mother called sweetly.

"Yeah mom I'm coming." You called walking down the stairs to her destination.

"Happy birthday sweetie. We love you."

"I love you too mom."

"Here is 100 dollars go by something nice. Be back by 5:00 please." Your mom said handing you a hundred dollar bill.

"Wow thanks mom! I'll be back at five." You squealed hugging her.

~TIME SKIP to 5:00~

You looked down at yourself feeling beautiful.

The one hundred dollars your mother had given you, was enough to buy you a brand new skirt, that had and old black and white city with magenta pink tulips lining the bottom of it, a magenta pink laced sleeve shirt, Creme shoes with a black bow at the top of them, and finally a professional make-up job.

You finally made it up to you're door step and it was about 4:55 and the house was dark and seemingly empty.

"Why do they want me home at five if they aren't even home?" You wondered aloud unlocking the door and opening it.

"Hello? Mom? Dad?" you asked taking a step in.

The light came on and people jumped out everywhere but one person in particular caught your eye. Wu.

"SURPRISE!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY (y/n)!" all the people yelled on the top of their lungs.

"Oh my gosh! Thank you so much everyone." You cheered putting you're hands over your mouth.

"Time for presents." Your mom chanted pulling the pile of presents in front of you.

Once you opened every single present, you were rushed off to cake and ice cream. After everyone was finish on came the music, dancing, and socializing.

But there was one thing you couldn't keep your mind off of. Wu. He was here but you haven't seen him all night.

Trying to get your mind off of him. You danced along with the others girls when you felt a pair if hands cover your eyes.

"Guess who?" the deep masculine voice rang, and yet it didn't seem familiar.

Your shaky hand raised them from your eyes, and you turned around only to be faced with him.

"WU!" you yelled pulling him into a tight hug. "Oh, how I missed you!"

He had changed a lot but he was the same person you knew and loved. Bur, his voice was a lot deeper now. And, his blonde hair was well kept and neat. Although he still had the same loving hazel eyes. It was him. Wu.

Happy tears began leak from your eyes. As you two pulled away from the embrace he wiped your tears away.

"(Y/n) I missed you too. How you've grown a lot, since we last met. You look absolutely beautiful." He spoke while a red blush sprinkled across his cheeks.

"Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself." you smiled and a blush spread across your face also.

"Look (y/n)....I..."-He paused as a slow song came on, he took a deep breath-" May I have this dance?"

"Of course." you smiled, resting your hand on his shoulder and taking his other into yours as he placed his other hand on your hip.

You smiled. He smiled it was perfect. You slowly began to rest your head onto his chest, and he smiled.

You two swayed back and forth and seemed as though you were the only people there.

"(Y/n)...I...I love you." Wu whispered into your ear.

You felt as your heart nearly skipped a beat.

"I love you too Wu." you spoke looking him in the eyes.

Totally the best birthday for your life!

Cheesy I know. But I hope you thought it was cute because I did!
2 more days until Christmas!!!

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