Falling under.. {Young Garmadon x Reader}

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Note- This is before Lloyd was born.

I loved him...
He is gone.....
But, Is he really evil?
Does he think of me as much as I think of him?

All these questions I didn't have answers too always lead up to one person. Montgomery Garmadon.

I had loved him with all of my heart. Even if he had evil coursing through his veins. Even when he had flaws and made mistakes. I loved him through out it all. But, I remember one day all to well the day when my lover fully turned, into the man I don't know any longer.


My quick footsteps hurried up to the Monastery's footsteps. My knuckles pounded against the wooden door.

"(Y/n), I am so glad you came... we need to talk...Alone." Garmadon spoke ruffling his perfect brown hair.

A faint blush tinted my cheeks.

"Of course what is it?" I smiled warmly.

"Follow me."

His hand took mine as we dashed into the near woods.

"Garmadon, where are you taking me? Is something wrong." I asked.

He had never been this quick to move unless something bad or exciting happened, but worried her the most is that he took her to the woods. Which indeed meant something bad had happened.

"(Y/n) look at me! I am falling under. I can't control my eyes are turning to red! I am so scared I don't want to lose control!" Garmadon sighed as silent tears streamed down his tanned face.

"Hey, look at me..."-I lifted his face to mine-"Everything will be alright. Don't get yourself worked up it only makes things worse... just please.... Don't leave me"

Tears began to stream down my own face.

"(Y/n) I can't control it anymore... Just know I love you."

I was shocked he actually loved me back.

"I-I love you too!" I smiled.

His face suddenly lit up his red eyes now have a hint of his once brown eyes there. He planted his lips against mine. And at that moment I never wanted it to end but all good things must come to an end as always.

Garmadon pulled away quickly.

"Goodbye (y/n)..." He whispered, and he ran, ran far from my sights leaving me crying.


I never saw him again but finally when I did he had fallen under completely.

His once gorgeous tan skin was a pure black, like a piece of coal. His amber brown eyes now a fiery red. His shaggy brown hair now a black mess.

He wasn't the man I once knew.

He was evil.

Not the Garmadon I loved. He's....gone.

My mind wandered to his old self. Fun. Happy. Exciting. Amazing. Handsome.

Where are you now?

My thoughts kept wandering but they alway led up to one person...him. I couldn't stand it I missed him a lot but at this moment he was working with the overlord to control all if Ninjago. The real Montgomery Garmadon would never what to do that but in my mind I always knew that there is still the good in him he just had to unlock it.

Suddenly my thoughts were disrupted as, I felt cold metal arms wrapped around me. I screamed only to come face to face with my love, and the overlord.

"Montgomery....Garmadon." I whispered looking into his eyes.

I watched as his eyes widened and I could of sworn I heard him say
"(Y/n) (L/n)."

"If you're still you're evil self you need to prove it to me. I feel you are turning soft. I want you to toss this girl over this building and watch her fall to her death." The overlord spoke in his deep raspy voice.

"No please don't do this. I love you Garmadon. Don't you remember me?"

Tears came flowing down my faces as I stared into his eyes.

"Do it!" the overlord taunted.

I sobbed silently into my hands.

"Just do it. You don't remember me.."

Garmadon looked at me to the overlord than back to me.

"(Y/n) (M/n) (L/n) I do remember you. And I still love. I never did stop I thought of you everyday." he said kissing me passionately ad pulling me away from the overlord and into a hug.

"I love you Montgomery. I always have and forever will." -I said looking into his eyes only to find they where restored to his hazel brown. His tan skin back in place. His brown shaggy hair back.-"I missed you so much" I finished crying into his shoulder.

"I missed you more, baby girl, but right now I need to take care of this crook." he chuckled cracking his knuckles.

-Timeskip to after the battle-

And finally, at last, I sat there in his arms.

True love helped us survive this trial and it turns out he never was really evil it just turns out sometimes everybody loses control...

Well first Time doing something like this I hope you enjoyed it and ALSO I am Updating this book ALL week because of Christmas. I hope you enjoy this little present from me! Much love to you guys and all you're support! I love you 💕

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