Night Changes {Prince! Jay x Princess! Reader}

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It was the night of the annual masquerade ball thrown by the lightning kingdom.

And this ball was a special one. One where no one knows who you are. You're rank or what you're going as. That's the beauty of it only to have a good time and enjoy others compony without getting judged for you're class.

Prince Jay was pacing his courters, he was nervous he would blow it with every girl Again.

One time he was too talkative.
Too Geeky.
Too Childish.
Too Sensitive.
Too Clingy.

Everything about him seemed to be too much. He thought about it so much that he was debating whether to attend the ball or not, that was thrown in his own kingdom.

Though, he pushed his thoughts away and got ready for the ball no matter, what he had thought.

Jay threw on his blue and white plaid button up with a navy tie, navy jacket/pants, and black shoes. He did his hair is a swoop back and over. And lastly, added his geared 'phantom' mask.

Acrossed the land there was the Golden Lion kingdom, and there lived a beautiful princess named (y/n). She was also getting ready for the ball.

She was also worried, though. No one ever picks her to dance with.
No one ever picks her to talk with. She didn't want to go but thanks to her mom that's not an option.

-Later at the ball-

Princess (y/n) walked into the room keeping her eyes down.
What is the point in trying to talk they'd just be annoyed, she thought.

Her quiet foot steps, walked to an empty chair and she sat. Her eyes wondered over all the people dancing and having fun. She was jealous.

As for Jay he was having better luck. Every girl wanted to talk with him, dance with him, even just come face to face with him.

His electric blue eyes wandered through the crowd of people looking for the perfect girl to dance with.

He looked over to a lonely girl sitting on a chair. He thought she was absolutely stunning.

She had this beautiful Royal blue dress with sparkling diamonds on the torso of the dress. Her (h/l)(h/c) hair, in perfect curls resting on her shoulders. She had these mesmerizing big (e/c) eyes. And to top it all off her black metal mask with accents of white diamonds.

Jay walked over to her, bending down to the mysterious maidens height.

He smiled. "Whats a beautiful girl like you not up and about. Dancing and having fun huh?" he chuckled bringing her face to look at his.

"Well, I haven't been asked I never am." Princess (y/n) sighed.

"I will be the first then"-he stands up-"May I have this dance" Jay finished holding out his hand

He watched as her face suddenly lit up.

"You may." She curtsied, taking his hand.

The two danced the night away. Talking and enjoying each others company.

It was the first time in forever Jay and (Y/n), were having a good time at a ball.

Jay looked at the time.


"'s midnight. Time for the unmasking, are you ready?" he spoke looking her in the eyes.

"I'm ready" she replied untying her mask.

"One." Jay said.

"Two." (y/n) said.

"Three." Jay finished.

They both took off each others masks at the same time.

"You're highness." They said at the same time.

They both bowed knocking there heads on each others.

"Ow." she laughed.

"I'm sorry." Jay hurriedly said.

"It's no problem, it's okay really Prince Jay." (Y/n) said, smiling

"No need to call me prince just Jay."

"Well, you can just call me, (y/n) I don't mind."


"(Y/n)-" They both said at the same time.

"You first." the princess said looking into his electric blue eyes.

"Well I just wanted to let you know that, I've had a wonderful time with you. The best I've had in a very very long time. Thank you for making my night. I hope we can. you know do it again sometime, Princess."

"Of course we can do it again. Thank you for a wonderful night." she finished, kissing him on cheek.

And with that she left him dumbfounded, holding his cheek, love struck.

All that in one nights change.

I hope you liked this! I thought it was cute! Also It's Christmas Eve! I hope you have a safe fun Christmas.

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