Let her go {Kai x Prisoner! Reader}

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Shout out to:


She won my 'Rise of the Spidri' contest as request to this Oneshot and


For requesting this to be updated for winning second on my contest

Now one with the story...

Kai had been in love. In love with a girl and he thought that maybe... just maybe she'd love him back. They had known each other for years. They were best friends even from back when he owned the black smith shop. Then he left and became a ninja, he'd visit her as often as he could. The older the two got the more beautiful he thought she was.

Kai would often bottle his feelings inside because he was embarrassed to tell her how he thought of her. He couldn't seem to put it in words. Until one day he finally had the courage to confess... She was gone. Later, he had found out that she had disappeared only a few months earlier, the town had called the ninja, but Sensei Wu had found it unimportant because they had to work on killing the overlord.

Kai felt anger. He was mad Sensei didn't tell him. Sad they hadn't found her. Worried for his love. he was worried he had lost her. Soft delicate tears fell upon his cheeks. He clenched his fists barging into Sensei Wu's room.

Sensei was startled. Kai had looked so helpless, so sad, so angry, all at the same time. "Why didn't you tell me (y/n) was missing?!" He growled. Sensei looked at him intently. "I didn't want to ruin you're focus on Whats important. The worlds jeopardy or one girls fate. You can look now that the overlord is defeated." He answered calmly. Kai simply nodded, he knew he wouldn't have any chance against his Sensei's judgement.


(Y/n) screamed and screamed. She hoped, that maybe one day someone would hear her. Maybe someday Kai would come for her like she had hoped, long ago. Her hope was gone. Her tears were gone. Her faith left a long time ago. She had weary (e/c) eyes, that didn't have her usual sparkle to them. Everything in the old her was gone and pushed down and covered with a grim, sacred, thin young woman.

She believed in Kai. Yet, she lost all confidence in him. At the beginning she thought that she loved him and he loved her back. She would do anything for him and she was convinced he would do the same for her even if he hadn't said so. (Y/n) finally knew that wasn't the case and he would never come for her. She'd be left to rot in the crusty, moist, dark, cell she now called home.

(Y/n) knew he didn't love her. If he did he'd be there. It broke her heart that she poured her soul out to him and got barely anything in return.


Kai ran and ran. He asked and asked. He yelled an yelled. He cried and cried. He was a mess.

He could not find (y/n). No matter what he did it seemed he couldn't find her, until he heard yelling. He wasn't so sure it was hers but he decided to follow it anyway.


(Y/n) yelled and yelled. Someone had to be out there. And in came her kidnapper. His name was the Man in black. He went around kidnapping people and killing then later leaving them in black clothing as his mark. This was the day where he would make his mark on (y/n).

He put a cloth in her mouth tying it tightly. He smirked. "Its you're day." he laughed evilly. (Y/n) vigorously started squirming against her chains her eyes showing a tremendous amount of fear. She shakes her head in a begging way.

Kai ran and then abruptly the screaming stopped her squinted a bit but spots a abandoned building in the distance he runs to it assuming it came from there.

He walked around slowly and carefully. He listen carefully and heard the faint rustling of chains. He softly stepped towards the sounds. There he spots a guy and (y/n)! (y/n) spots him and quickly shakes her head, trying to warn him about the knife he had.

Kai had literally no idea what she said. It was hard enough to tell it was her. Her (s/t) skin didn't radiate in the sun it was covered into dirt and wounds. Her (h/l) (h/c) hair wasn't nicely kept, it was in a mess of tangles. The only thing that told him that was her was her outstanding (e/c), though they didn't sparkle like they used too it was the same color of eyes he fell in love with.

(Y/n) begged him not to come further trying to talk, but he could not understand her. Kai inched closer tackling the man in black. (y/n) let out a scream of pain, as the knife he held rocketed deep into her shoulder. She was grateful it wasn't her chest but it still hurt it was excruciating pain. Kai's eyes widen. He did spinjitzu wrapping the chains around the man in black. The man struggled and yelled.

(Y/n) had tears running down her face. She was sad. She was happy. She was in pain. She had every emotion. Kai kneeled down by her wiping the tears away, removing the clothe that was around her mouth and hugging her.

"I got you now." (Y/n) sobbed into his shoulder. "I love you." she said. "You don't love me, do you?" Kai shook his head "Shh.. (Y/n) I do love you. A lot." She smiled faintly as tears once again streamed. Kai tilted her head up and gently placed his lips on hers. She gently kissed back.

She was free. His feelings were free. They were free together.

Cheesy ending! Anyway I hope you enjoy! I hope you liked it! I am planning to update a lot today and tomorrow so look out for that! Thank you for being patient!
I love you guys!

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