Brings Me Back To You {Cole x Famous!Reader}

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Ps: Cole's not a ghost 😛

(Y/n) and Cole have been dating for about 2 years now, and it all seemed to be crumbling down.

Once Cole had found a music producer that would go along side with (y/n) ,for her birthday, she had never been around. Her popularity grew even more day by day. And now? She has over one million fans.

Going on tours every day to different, continents, countries, states, cities, etc. She was and is never around.

Cole was questioning whether they should be together any longer. He hadn't been able to see her or even have the ability to talk to her.

His thoughts always were directed to her.
'Are we even still together?'
'Does she remember me?'
'Does she think about me as much as I think about her?'
' Should I ask her?'

Cole thought and thought everyday. His memories were the only thing keeping him going.

The memories of him and his girl together. Him and her singing, and writing songs together. Her constant need to be cuddled with. But, now it seemed as if he was really the one that needed cuddling, comforting, and her sweet kisses.
Cole sat on the bounty's deck, legs dangling off. It was the midnight air that seemed to help him keep his calm. Everyone else was sleeping as he sat alone looking into the starry night sky. Wishing, hoping, She'd come home to him. So he could feel her soft lips against his at least one last time.

His thoughts and emotions bottling up in him, but staying calm. His low, smooth voice started to ring through the night sky.

"Are you lonely? Do you miss me anymore? Is you're heart as empty as these arms that used to hold you? Are you tired? Are you weaker than before? Are you sinking? 'Cause I've been thinking that there's something missing."

Tears started swelling up into his eyes, but he kept them back, not wanting to be weak.

"Mmmmm it's you. Oh woah it's you."

Taking a heavily shaky breath he continued.

"And now that I'm without you. I'm feeling insecure about the little things. I guess the the little things, were what we lost. But all I remember brings me back to you, and all those little things. I'm not anything, without you."

Tears streamed down his face at this point, and not expecting it another voice cut in. A feminine one. One he knew all too well.

"I grew tired of all the empty promises. You held me up to a place so high, but I'm down in the ground and there's no one around. All this love that I gave to you. In your arms I asked you to kiss me over and over again."

(Y/n) brought Coles face up to hers wiping away his soft tears that laid gently on his cheeks, continuing to sing.

"And know that I'm without you. I'm feeling insecure about the little things. I guess the little things were what we lost. But all I remember, brings me back to you, and those little things. I'm not anything without you."

Tears began streaming down her own face as they sang together in harmony.

"And you're mind is wandering out the door, and your bodies got no where to fall. And it seems so clear, but your hearts not sure."

Cole cut in alone once again cupping his girlfriends wet cheeks.

"And now that I'm without you. I'm feeling insecure about the little things. I guess the little things are what we lost."

(Y/n) smiled as another tear streamed down her face, singing the next part for him.

"But all I remember brings me back to you, and those little things. I'm not anything."

Cole's tears came again flowing like a warm river down his cheeks singing the next part with her.

"And all I remember, brings me back to you. Without those little things, we're not anything."

They both finished tears coming from both their eyes and they shared a quick passionate kiss to the lips.

"Look, Cole. I'm sorry I left. I'm sorry, I never talked to you. I never realized how bad it hurt you. I still love you with all of my heart. And I was to stupid to realize that this isn't what I really want in my life, this fame, this fortune. I thought I wanted it, but I don't. All I need to be happy is you, nothing and no one else." (y/n) exclaimed, looking at him sincerely.

"I'm happy as long as you're happy my love. I never missed a day, without thinking about you. I couldn't get you off my mind. I missed your cuddles, smiles, voice, everything. Just know you didn't need to apologize. It was you're dream and I shouldn't be the one stoping you."

"You aren't stopping me. I want this. I want to be with my true love..."

Cole smiled.

"One question. Why are you here? I thought you were coming home tomorrow night, not that I mind you being here." He chuckled.

"Well I.. I wanted to surprise you." she blushed.

"That's sweet but I have a surprise for you too..." -He said kissing her cheek.- "close your eyes for me baby girl."

(Y/n) smiled blushing, closing her eyes as tight as she could. After a few moments of waiting she heard Cole's deep voice.

"You can open your eyes now."

She opened her eyes, with them widening quickly. She saw Cole Kneeling on one knee in front of her holding out a box.

"(Y/n) (M/n) (L/n), we've know each other for two years now, and I've been meaning to ask you this. I love you okay? I'm completely, and insanely in love with you. I love the way you ruffle your hair when you get nervous or shy. You're constant need to cuddle. The way you laugh at everything. The way you are kind to everyone you meet. I love you inside and out. I want to have you in my life forever. So, will you Marry Me?" Cole smiled opening the box showing a Diamond ring.

"Yes! Yes I will marry you!" (y/n) squealed with joy as he slipped the ring onto her finger.

"I love you."

"And I love you."

And with that the spent the rest of the night holding each other.

I thought this was cute! I hope you did too, also the song! Thought I'd do something different 😌

SONG TITLE: Back To You. By: Alex and Sierra

You should really check it out it's great!

Hoped you enjoyed!

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