Times change {Jay x reader}

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3rd person Pov:

Have you ever loved someone you could never ever have?

Well, (y/n), does.

She loves someone that she has no chance of him loving her back.

She loves a certain Ginger haired boy with electric blue eyes. She loves everything about him, his awkwardness, his humor, his everything.

But there was one slight problem and it was not so slight.

He loved someone else, Nya the smart, brave ninja of water.

Jay always had loved her, but Cole got in the way and now times were changing. Nya knew for a fact on who she loved and it was Jay.

It always had been that way but she got so caught up in everything to realize it.

(Y/n) knew Jay loved Nya and
It broke her heart every time he would say something about her, but in her mind she thought,

"He loves her but who would pick a dumb new ninja, anyway."

Ya she was new to the team but she knew Jay from a long while back. The duo were friends, but Jay always had better priorities than to hangout with her.

(Y/n) sighed as she stared at her bedroom ceiling and it must of been so loud that it caught the attention of a certain blue ninja.

"Hey (y/n). What's wrong." He asked sweetly sitting beside her.

"Um it's nothing really I am just thinking."


"About life." (y/n) said with a hint of bitterness in them.

"Oh then, I guess I just have question for you." Jay said scratching his nape.

"Okay ask away."

"Um well..."-He paused-" I want to ask Nya to be my girlfriend, can you help me out with it?" Jay pleaded.

(Y/n)'s heart shattered. He really didn't have any other feelings towards her besides 'friends'.

Usually the only time he would ever talk to her was if he ever needed help or to ask advice on girls.

"Of course Jay." She sighed trying to hold back the tears.

He really was oblivious to what she felt towards him, and she thought maybe he isn't he just doesn't like her and wants to show her who he really loves.

"Oh my gosh! Thank you (y/n). Lets talk alone when everyone's asleep. Midnight. On the deck of the bounty alright." Jay said happily.

"Ya see you then." (Y/n) said plainly, as Jay ran off doing a happy dance.

She sighed.

He really didn't care for her.

Maybe tonight would be the night where she would confess and spill everything to him. She didn't want to make him feel bad it's just that she wants him to know.

--Time skip--

(Y/n) couldn't wait much longer


She had to admit it.


She was going to admit it.


She is going to admit it.

It was time and she was not sure she was ready to even face him she knew what she was going to say but she didn't know how it was all going to go down.

"Hey (y/n). Thanks for coming." Jay spoke softly.

"Yeah..."-Mumbles-"Anything for you."

"What was that?"

"Nothing." she spoke a little too quickly.

"Okay something's up just tell me, already." Jay said bitterness taking over his tone of voice.

"Jay. I promise I didn't say anything important." (y/n) shot back.

"Tell. me. Right. Now." Jay spoke glaring.

"Fine! Jay I love you. Alright. I would do anything and everything for you. It hurts to see you love someone else, but know I am not telling you this to make you feel bad. I am telling you this so you remember that no matter what happens I will stay by your side. I would do everything in my power to make you stay happy. I will support you through every step of the way. I love you will all my heart. Nothing would ever change my mind about you...I love you too much to live without you loving me back." she said looking at Jay straight in the eyes showing sincerity in her words, also taking his hand into hers.

"(Y/n) I-

"I am sorry I don't feel the same. It's just that I love Nya so much, I feel like destiny brought us together. I used to love you and you never noticed. Everyday I couldn't bare to see you unhappy, but it seemed as though you didn't love me back so I moved on."

"You l-loved me?"

"I did, but I've moved on."

"So you have no feelings for me anymore." (y/n) sighed looking down trying to stop her self from breaking down.

"No. I don't. Look (y/n) times have changed, and so should you. Find someone else so you can be happy. I love Nya, and you need to move on and find the right man for you." Jay said moving away from her hands grasp.

"I- I understand. Just be yourself. I am sure Nya would not care how you asked her out just that she had you. Now if you'll excuse me." (y/n) said turning away running out of the room to the bathroom shutting it behind her.

"(Y/n) wait-" Jay tried to call before she ran but it was too late.

He followed her to the bathroom creaking the door open slightly.

He watched as she looked at her self in the mirror.

She closed her eyes and shakily breathed

"I'm fine."

She opened her eyes, and looked at her reflection once again but this time her eyes tinted with the haze of tears.

Her voice more shaky than before called out "I'm Fine."

She closed her eyes one last time opening them shortly after.

But this time her tears were flowing freely streaming fast and steady. Showing no signs of stopping or even slowing down.

She called to herself in the mirror.

"Stop crying...you're fine. You already knew he'd never love you like you did."


Sad I know.


Do you want a part 2?

Up next:

Requests welcome.



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