Melting Point {Zane x reader}

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Tip- Your a nindroid in this one.

Also I am trying a new style of writing so every chapter is different so bare with me...


Borg had created you long ago, and apparently your robotic self wasn't good enough for P.I.X.A.L.

She was the better robot. She had more smarts for the new technological advancements. More advanced. She was everything you weren't, and Borg made sure you knew that.


You walked into the big open office of Borg's, only to find that he wasn't there, which meant only one thing, he was in his workshop.

Your metallic feet clacked against the metal flooring as you trudged your way to his work shop.

You came next to him inspecting the piece he was working on.

It seemed as if he was building another robot.

"Mr. Borg what are you building, my databases tell me it is another being as myself."

"Why yes, (y/n). Her name is P.I.X.A.L. PIXAL, meet (y/n)" Borg said as he powered up the robot before her.

"Hello P.I.X.A.L, but Borg what is her duty?" you asked growing uncertain.

"She is replacing you. Your software is out if date, But hers is not, it is faster and more reliable."

--End of Flashback--

You sighed as you sat in your room watching the window, watching P.I.X.A.L do everything that you were supposed to be doing.

It saddened you.

Your thoughts darkened at even the sight of her.

Why did she even get created?

What did I deserve for him to build her?

How could she be oblivious.

I hate her.

Your thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a new robotic voice

"I stand for peace justice..." a white ninja spoke.

"She meant your name...idiot." the blue one whispered.

You watched dazed, your gaze focused on the white one.

Was he a robot just like her?

Something about him made her feel complete...maybe he can help her out make her feel loved once again.

You stealthily walked out of the room Borg always kept you in.

He had seemed embarrassed of you. Borg had made someone so imperfect that he was ashamed and hid her all the time.

You silently sighed.

You were a robot but you were made with feelings, unlike most robots. You were different. You were special.

If only you had realized it before maybe you would not feel the way you feel, or even think the way you think.

You finally found your way to Borg's office opening the door catching the attention of the Red, Blue, Black, and.. even the white....

His gaze made your heart stop.

He was so breath taking.

"Oh (y/n). I thought I told you this before stay in your 'room' and don't come out. Your software is not up to date you are just to old to do anything." Borg said in a bored tone.

"But, Mr. Borg. I don't want to to nothing all the time. I was made to do something. Please...I was made different and you know that. I have feelings real feelings unlike your other creations." You said walking closer to the white figure making you get an odd feeling in your stomach that you had never had before.

"Borg... I think...(y/n) is correct. My data base shows that she is indeed different and quite incredible." The white spoke.

"Zane. I guess you could indeed be right but I am not taking her I have P.I.X.A.L who has everything (y/n) doesn't" Borg spoke.

Zane looked at you.

Pulling you into a unexpected hug, but it was nice none the less.

He also whispered the words...

Your good enough in my eyes.

-Short A/n-

Sorry it was so short I am not good at Zane ones as you can tell....


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Kai x Reader 🔥

Jay x Reader Pt. II ⚡


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