Chapter 33

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Ch 33

"what are you sure!" He says in a panic.

Just then a contraction decides to start. I grab Alecks arm and try not to scream my head off.

"breath jenny deep breaths, there you go just breath threw the pain"

"don't you think I'm trying dumb ass!"

Just then it finally stops

"omg Aleck I'm so sorry"

"its ok lets get you to the car and to the hospital."

He gently picks me up

"Aleck I can walk"

"you are in labor I can carry you love"

he sets me down in the car and runs to his side. A minute later another contraction starts.


Aleck trys to sooth me and lets me squeeze his hand until it stops.

"Aleck we need to hurry they are close together"

With that he goes a little faster.

"I cant go to fast or we will get stopped"

With in 10 minutes we are at the hospital and between that time I had three more contractions. God these things kill! Aleck helps me out of the car and carrys me inside.

"Shes in labor with twins"

they grab a wheel chair and he puts me in it

"Ok jenny one last push!"

I take all the energy I have left and a few moments I hear my baby boy crying.

"congrats mama you have two twins with all of their fingers and toes."

I close my eyes and breath I'm exhausted. I feel Aleck stroking my hair.

"you did good baby girl"

I smile because that is all I can manage.

By the time they put my beautiful baby girl and baby boy in my arms. I have a little bit of energy. They are so cute and the definitely have my nose. I smile and look down at them in awe. I can believe im a mommy, they are here in my arms. Elliot starts to whimper so I rock her a little in my arms.

"Aleck you want to hold her?"


"yes you goof"

I watch as a huge smile covers his face. He gently takes her out of my arms.

"this feels so weird"

"you'll get used to it"

I feed Ethan as Aleck plays with Elliot. Then we switch. It seems so surreal now that they are here. Aleck puts them both in their bassinets and I feel my eyes grow heavy with sleep.


I wake up to one of the babies crying. I don't want them to wake her up so I hurry over to see Ethan crying. I hold him and he stops luckily. He opens his eyes and I see that they are almost a green like Jenny's. I thought all babies were born with blue eyes but apparently not. Elliot unlike Ethan was born with blue eyes. They both look so much like her its unbelievable. Its also unbelievable that she agreed to marry me and with that agreeing I can raise them as if they are my own. I wish they were mine though. I wish I didn't have to wonder who their father is. The good thing about them looking like jenny is that maybe strangers with actually believe I'm their father. I really wish I met her sooner.I can't help but feel that I don't have all of Jenny's heart.

After Ethan is back asleep I put him back in his bed end craw up next to jenny.I


I'm so excited we get to go home today. The twins are now 3 days old and very happy babies they laugh all the time its so darn cute. I'm putting my cloths back on along with my engagement ring.

Aleck brings the car up and I get in the back with a baby on each side of me. Its such a quiet serene ride back to my house. I smile as Elliot gurgles. I swear I have the cutest babies in the world. We arrive at my house and Shelly comes running out.

"gimmi my grandbabies"

I let her grab Ethans before I get out. Aleck follows us with Elliot. When I walk in the house all of the lights are out. Then all of them come on and people jump out and yell surprise. I stand there in shock. Sam comes running up to me.

"hi mommy, welcome to your surprise baby shower"

"umm ok"

"come on silly lets celebrate and show my babies off"

I raise an eye brow "your babies?"

"oh I mean yours"

"its ok they are your god children"

her face is pure shock


"yes silly"


we all laugh I take Elliot from Aleck and we go find the rest of the gang. We find Connor Nick and even Josh talking in the corner.

Connor smiles when he sees us.

"Jenny and little Jenny"


"wheres the other one"

"hes your god son you go find him"

"wait I'm their god father?"


"I'm to young for this!" He states laughing

"Old fart"

"why thank you"

I smile and turn to nick and josh

"long time no see"

"god you're still hot what a MILF!"

"NICK!" This was josh

I smile at him "looks like you're still protecting me from Nick"

"someone has to"

"well kind sir would you like to hold Elliot as a thank you"

His eyes brighten "yes"

I carefully hand her over. She fits perfect in his arms it almost looks natural. She opens her eyes and starts blowing bubbles of content. Shelly comes walking toward me with a crying Ethan.

"Jenny I think he wants his mommy"

I happily grab him from her. We are all talking when Sam screams

"omg! Why didnt you tell me! When did this happen?"

I look at her confused"huh"

"you have a huge rock on an important finger!"

I blush "oh"

"oh!? Thats all you have to say!? Jenny you are getting married"

Josh gives Elliot to Aleck

"congrats on everything guys, I have to go"

After that the party is pretty awkward

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