Chapter 16

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Ch 16


I wake up and groan it feels like I just fell asleep. I cried hard for so long last night. It finally sunk in that I was alone last night. I was dancing with my cousin that I haven't seen in forever when I saw josh with another girl. She was grinding on it and he seemed to love it. I guess he really did move on and its my turn to do the same. Last night after I saw josh with the other girl I ran outside and started sobbing someone came and sat next to me. 

"Hey pretty lady is everything ok" 

I shake my head no 

"Wanna talk about it I'm told I'm a great listener" 

I turn and fall in his arms sobbing "I'm so messed up my life is so messed up I'm pregnant and I don't know if its my abusive ex boyfriends or the guy that actually treated me right but wants nothing to do with me. I'm such a slut!" 

I cry for a while before I realized I just spilled all this to a stranger. I pull away embarrassed and wipe my face. 

"I'm sorry" 

"Hey don't worry about it you are a pretty lady who needed someone to listen and you don't seem like such a horrible person" 

"Thanks I'm jenny by the way" 

"Hello Jenny I'm Aleck" 

I look up for the 1st time and look at him he his adorable with shaggy brown hair that kinds curls around his face and had green eyes he was adorable. 

"Thanks Aleck, I'm sorry but I better get back to the party" 

He takes his phone out of his pocket and hands it to me and asks for mine 

"Number please. Call me anytime you need to talk" 


I grab my phone back then head inside where an hour later I saw josh kissing the girl he was with earlier. I told my dad I was gonna head home and I went home and cried. And here I am now laying in bed feeling horrible. I need to get up and shower so I can move on with my life but I can't.I keep repeating in my head I have nothing to live for when the baby kicks and reminds me maybe I do so I sit up in bed and grab my phone to check my messages I have one from sam so I reply and grudgingly get out of bed. I get out of my cloths and cant help but cringe at how chubby im starting to get. I decide to weigh myself. I step on and take a deep breath before I look down I gasp iv already gained 12 pounds that's almost 1 pound a week I hope I don't keep gaining this fast. I get off the scale careful not to look in the mirror and step in the shower. After my shower I get out careful not to look in the mirror once again. I get dressed in a loss shirt and sweats before I head down stairs. I look in the kitchen for food and just grab an apple I need to watch better what I eat the baby will only way about 7 or 8 pounds the rest will be ugly fat. I eat the apple and throw the core in the trash. No one is home shell and my dad are on their honeymoon while the boys are at a friends. Its Sunday and I have no homework. So I decided to go for a slow jog. Staying in shape is a good thing and before I came here I used to run all the time. I go three blocks before I go home. I grab a bottle of water grab my phone off the kitchen counter and fall into the couch. I check my phone and have a message from Aleck. I open it. 

"Good morning beautiful, how are you doing" 

I smile and reply " good morning, I'm doing ok. You?" 

"Ok a little lonely though, would you like to hang out today" 

I bite my lip and think. Ehh why not. 


"Ok what's your address ill pick you up,btwdon't forget a swim suit" 

I text back my address then head up stairs to change out of my gross cloths put on comfy jeans and a tank top that used to be to big but now fits me over my suit I brush my hair and put on some lip gloss. I get a text from Aleck saying he's here so I head out. I walk out the door and get in his car.  

"Hey Aleck" 

"Ello Jenny" 

I smile "so where are we going" 

"Well how about the beach" 

"Ok I love the beach" 

He starts driving "wow you really are with child" 

I get self consciouse "mhm" 

"Oh pretty lady I didn't mean it as a bad thing, you are beautiful" 

I smile a little "thanks" 

We get to the beach and he comes around to open my door. 

"Follow me, be careful it could be a lil rocky around this little area" 

I follow him and we finally get to a good part of the beach. He takes off his shirt and looks at me. 

"Well you gonna swim?" 

"Well this is the 1st time if been in a swimming suit since....." 

"Oh I'm sorry ill go get in the water and not look, you come in when you are ready" 

I watch him walk into the water until its waist deep. I slowly take off my pants and top. Why did I agree to this and why did I wear a bikini. I feel so exposed. I feel a little nudge in my belly as if giving me encouragement. So I walked into the water slowly until I met up with Aleck. He turns around and smiles 

"Well hey there" 

I smile "hey" 

He looks a little concerned "you are shivering" 

He wraps his arms around me and I lean in feeling safe and comfortable we stay there for what seems like hours. 

"Wanna get out" 

I nod my head yes. Before I know it he picks me up and carries me out of the water. He sits on a towel me still in his arms and he puts the towel over me. I feel cold and week. I don't know what's wrong with me......he must sense something wrong because he looks down at me concerned 

"Are you ok" 

"I-I don't know" 

That's when I start to loss consciousness

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