No.27 - Call.

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Melanie's POV

This week had been rough. After Ben's disappearance and Aria's meltdown things had almost desolately gone back to normal. Apart from the face that Aria now had two people inside her body, her and Violet. It soon became really confused as to whether she was Aria or Violet, so the pack settled for calling her AV. It was a cute compromise, but I still call her Aria.

Aria had fixed the house back up again and Lucas had been established as her mate. I'm a little suspicious of Lucas. Well, more like hate him. Especially after Ben, I don't trust anyone with my sister's heart. I don't want him, or anyone to hurt her again, but I don't think I have much of a choice. I see the way she looks at him. Full of love and all that gooey stuff that makes fan bases grow and single ladies barf. She loves him. He could really hurt her. He has her in the palm of his hand without even knowing it. And that irks me. I'm afraid for my sister. Afraid for my pack. Afraid for the future.

All of us that had school to attend, went to school. Some of us got jobs, to keep the money in the house flowing. Others were helping construct our underground training centre. But most of us were solidifying the pack. Getting to know each other properly. This failed in some places, resulting in some violent arguments between Luke and Jeremy, but other than that the others were cool. I think the Blue boys took the loss of their brother Ben a little hard, but they're getting back on their feet, finding their place in the pack once again.

Thinking about Ben makes me bristle in anger. Stupid boy. He could have caused the death of us all. We all know how volatile Aria's powers are, especially now that she has been merged with Violet, her first incarnation. This could have caused all sorts of trouble, but, sadly with Lucas, Aria is kept in check. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I don't like him. I'm completely indifferent towards him actually. But when him and Aria are together they make the sweetest couple ever, it's just that I don't like the power he has over her. Over us. He could affect all our futures with just one word. One girl. One phone call. That frightens me. But he's part of our pack, so I guess I'll just have to learn to trust him. Even if I have to stand them making out every two seconds and giving each other puppy eyes. Gross.

I was coming back from school when I felt the presence of another supernatural creature. Presuming that it was Aiden, I spun around with a smile, only for it to be wiped of my face in an instant. I was mistaken.

The stranger smiled a sinister smile and advanced towards me. I walked backwards until I was backed up against a wall. The stranger put his arms against the wall on either side of my head, trapping me.

I took a deep breath. Then I slapped him. Hard.

My sudden movement had him briefly stunned, so I tried to make my escape. But him being supernatural and all, he recovered faster than I anticipated and slammed me back against the wall.

'Wow. Feisty little one aren't you Melanie?' The stranger laughed playfully as he rubbed his jaw. His red eyes drilled holes into my skull as I blatantly refused to break eye contact first.

'Good guess.' I snapped, refusing to reveal my confusion as to how he knew my name.

The stranger laughed again, this time, almost genuinely as he stared me in the face.

'I like you, you're cute.'

'What do you want?' I asked forcefully, now more irritated than afraid of his presence.

He smiled. 'I want you. You and your pack.'

I looked at him funny. He must be joking right.

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