No.26 - Transition.

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Luke's POV

She is going to kill me.


For many reasons.

One. Did I know a goddess named Adrestia was going to revive the Violet in Aria? ...Yes.

Two. Did I try to prevent this from happening? No way.

Three. Am I happy about it? Hell yeah.

She's going to kill me.

I continued punching my black and red punching bag until my knuckles went raw. It's been 3 days since I'd seen her, and worry was eating me alive. Was she okay? Where was she? Is she even alive? Did the transition work? Is she okay? Questions haunted my mind; the more I tried to answer, the more appeared. I'd been searching in the woods for her, calling her name from hill and dale, trying to find my girl, but I'd hit a dead end every single time. Sometimes I thought I had caught her scent, other times I thought I heard her crying, but every time I ended up where I started. Without her.

I sighed in frustration as I rested my head against my punching bag. I can't give up now. I have to find her. Why you ask? Because she's mine. My Queen. My everything.

And without her, I am nothing.
Aria's POV


I spun around to my right, ready to attack whatever was stalking me in these woods. Everyone around here knew these woods weren't safe at night. Especially not with the moon out, as it is tonight. But I had no where else to go, so I had continued to venture through the forest, through the night. I'd been here for 3 days now, living off of animals, rivers and berries, but tonight however, something in the air smelt different. I stopped to observe. The grass was cowering away and the moon hid its face in the clouds. The trees shrunk away from the darkness, squabbling amongst themselves for the moonlight, as the wind stayed silent like the calm before a storm. A thick fog floated from the hill tops to mask the fear building in my veins. Something wasn't right. Mother Nature never hides away. She is as extravagant and prominent as they come, but now, she cowered away from the shadows fearfully. Something wasn't right. Suddenly, the wind smacked me in the face forcefully, causing me to stumble back. She warned me. Something's wrong.

A flash of red.

My eyes snapped to the shrubs on my right. Something was out there. Perhaps, someone. I felt a dark sense of death come over me. Someone was watching me. My eyes scanned across the green like a microscope, filtering through the shadows. Searching. I held my breath.

"Can guys see anything?" I asked in my mind, not wanting to alert whatever was lurking in the shadows of my presence.

"I can't see anything but I smell..." Violet whispered, as she became lost in her own thoughts. I inhaled deeply through my nose, trying to figure out what Violet was talking about. It smelt like grass, leaves, decay, damp clothes.... and melted chocolate?

I inhaled again, this time focusing on the strange but wonderful scent of chocolate. My favourite smell. What on earth is a smell like that doing in a place like this? Then it hit me.


I ran.

In the opposite direction.

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