No.25 - Second chances

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Luke's POV

For a couple of days there was nothing. No emotion. No movement. No reaction. She was void. A pit of emptiness. The sun stopped shining and the wind stopped blowing. The rain stopped pouring and the grass stopped growing. Mother Nature was on strike.


Everything was still.

Not a sound. Not a breath. Not a thing.


Everything was still.

Until the third day.

Then all hell broke loose.

A scream. A smash. A shriek.

The wind whirled in its woe and the sun speared through the shattered windows. The grass slammed violently against the ground, willing itself to be free from its roots. Acid rain rained down on us in fits of fury, unleashing hell upon all those that walked the earth in its rage. All this from one mistake. One boy. One girl.

The house was subjected to ruin as Aria tore through the furniture and smashed the glass windows. Even the piano we had bought recently to calm her nerves was tickled with a baseball batt. Nothing was left untouched. Guitars were slammed into the flat screen TV. Picture frames were littered on the ground, the glass shimmered like fallen stars on the ground eager to slice your skin. Flowers were ripped from the garden ground and the pool was full of things torn from all around. It was like a hurricane.

I caught a glimpse of movement from the corner of my eye as I and the rest of the house were picking up the pieces Aria left behind. Turning to face it in the speed I did resulted in my beanie almost falling to its death; I grabbed it hastily. It was Aria. At least, I thought it was.

Out of morbid curiosity I followed the blur of darkness, whatever it was was moving too fast for my eyes to capture it. I sprinted after it into the woods, it's speed was magnificent and soon I found myself trailing behind it. However, I wouldn't stop running. I wouldn't stop trying. Something inside me propelled me forward, and soon enough I was running faster than I had ever run before. The once green landscape but now ashy woods whizzed past me at a speed I couldn't comprehend. I paid no attention to it though. My focus was on the blur of light. The purple burst of colour. Aria.

Suddenly she stopped running. It was so abrupt that I couldn't slow down in time, but she had already predicted that. I was grabbed by the throat and slammed into the burned remains of the grassy ground. The shock of her action had me perplexed until I caught a glimpse of her eyes. Black. They held no compassion. No love. No fear. Her eyes were as dark as the night sky and beyond, her anger the fuel to the flame. She was out of control. Power seeped out of her body with a vengance as her anguish shredded the remains of her damaged heart. Her hand constricted painfully around my throat like a vice.

'Who are you? And what do you want from me?' Her voice was inhumane, more like a growl, as she spat the words at my face.

Once again I was stunned. She didn't recognise me?

'Aria it's me. Luke. Lucas Anthony Marc Brooks.' I whispered, her hand crushing my windpipe towards the end of my sentence.

'Lucas?' Her eyes flickered a chestnut brown for a split second, but the darkness overwhelmed the little spark of colour. That spark however gave me hope. Hope that the girl I loved was still there. My Violet.

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