No.40 - Final show

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Aria's POV

When I woke up I didn't know where I was. Was I dead? I rubbed my eyes as the moonlight became blinding.

'Ready for the show down?' I heard Ivy's voice grate on my skin as I pried my eyes open, revealing all my family and friends on one side and my enemies on the other. The second my eyes caught Luke's I sprinted to his open arms. Tears of joy escaped my burning eyes until my joy was split into two by the glass wall between us. Lucas looked in absolute agony at the glass and pounded on it angrily. I smiled a watery smile and whispered to him.

'Are you okay?' He laughed and shook his head.

'After seeing everything you've been through, I think I should be asking you that question.'

I giggled, until our happiness was interrupted. All the rest of my warriors ran up to the glass, shouting various things at me that I couldn't even begin to decipher. Then it dawned on me.

'Guys, this is the last challenge. It'll all be over once this is complete.'

Head nods and small smiles were sent in my direction. All in attempts of lightening the pressing mood.

'We've got some time.' Chance said reassuringly.

'Yeah, to get ready for this challenge.' Angeline said, her voice filled with authority.

'I have feeling this is gonna be the worst one yet.' Jaxon muttered.

'I guess so. I'll be fine. I'm not gonna let her kill me.' I demanded.

'Obviously not! What I mean, is that you should be careful.' Jaxon said, slightly stilling his feet.

'You need to stop worrying! I'll be fine. I was trained by the best, so I will perform at my best.' I said with a confident smile.

'We don't even know what the challenge is!' Crystal countered.

'Guys, can we stop looking at all the negative points and think of all the benefits. This is the last one! After this, we're free! Everything will be over.' I said, my voice filled with hope.

'Yeah, but if you mess this up, then everything you went through for us would be in vain.' Aiden replied.

'I won't let that happen. Not while I'm still breathing.' I stated defiantly.

'Don't say that! It makes me feel like we should start preparing your funeral!' Jai whispered.

I smiled sadly as I pressed my hand against the glass. Tears ran down my red cheeks. I was exhausted. Quickly I snapped out of it, hearing the beating of high heels on the floor beneath us.

There she was, dressed in blood red and black. Ivy. I hadn't seen her in a while, yet she looked the same. Same smile, same hair, same cold eyes. She looked exactly the same. Like nothing had happened. Nothing had changed.

'Hello Aria. And friends? Ready for the grand finale?' She asked sweetly. 'As for you, Aria. Pick your weapons. Chose wisely.'

I picked up my bow, gun and throwing knives from the rack beside me. The best ones in our armoury. Ivy had stripped me of them when I was unconscious due to the serum. Snake.

'Let's do this.' I said determinedly, as I zipped up my suit and stood up. As I did so, I felt an invisible power extract something from me. It was brief. Not painful, just unwelcome. I shrugged it off and continued my way further into the cage.

'Aria, your final challenge. Your final task. Kill.' Ivy bellowed, her voice echoing through the entire palace ground. Ivy stepped into the cage.

'Bring it on.' I growled as I rolled my shoulders and cracked my neck.

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