No.7 - Unlocked and Unchained

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Aria's POV

After a weekend filled with skating and tomboy behaviour, Monday rolled in crushing all our hopes and dreams of sleep and relaxation. Great.

I crawled out of bed and brushed my teeth. Today was going to be eventful; The whole school had Simulations today, testing our mental strength and capacity. They want to measure if our power is balanced mentally as well as physically. For us newbies, that means that we're going to be pushed around and beaten down, because we're the overlooked. They will disregard us for being weak and that makes you vulnerable. We had a lot of stereotypes to crush today. Luckily I was in the crushing mood.

'Aria! Hurry up! We're going to be late for registration!!' I heard Jazzy call from beneath me.

'You too Ether!! How is it that even with your short hair which you don't even need to straighten, I am still faster than you?' Jazzy shouted teasingly.

'Shut up Jazzy! My hair is still better than yours, even though I don't straighten it.' Ether called back at her, a smile gracing her tone.

I grinned at the pair as I fixed my hair in my mirror. They're crazy.

'Guys! Stop bickering and get ready for school. We'll be late at this rate.' I called out from the long hall as I stepped out my room.

'Let's go!'

The two girls came down muttering and mumbling. I shook my head at their childish behaviour. They're worse than the boys.

'Hey! That's not fair! I want my black Jordans back!'

'No! They go better with my outfit than with yours.'

'But they're mine!'

I spoke too soon.

'ARIA!' Both Ben and Jeremy shouted simultaneously.

'What's the matter?' I sighed.

'Ben has stolen my shoes.' Jeremy said with outrage.

'Jeremy is being stingy.' Ben defended.

I shook my head at the pair of them.


'Well basically, I wanted to wear Jeremy's black Jordans because they go really well with my outfit--' Ben began to explain, only to be cut off by Jeremy.

'But he didn't ask me first! I was planning on wearing them too. They're my favourite pair!'

'That's not fair though, because you always steal my shoes without asking me!' Ben countered.

'That's different! You have more than one pair of each shoe!' Jeremy defended.

'Yeah, that's because of people like you!' Ben retaliated harshly.

They both balled their fist, stomped their feet and huffed at each other in aggravation. Then they faced me in distress.

'ARIAAA!' They whined.

I shook my head and raised my hands up in defeat.

'No comment.' I said, as I made my way to the end of the hall. Gosh, the immaturity is suffocating.

'ARIAAAA!' They whined once more, this time a lot louder.

But I ignored them, and kept walking.

'Wear white Jordans instead, they'll add a different element to your outfit!' I called.


'THANKS!!' They shouted, putting a smile on my face. Those boys...

School. School is something I find hard to explain. It has its good times, and its bad times. Ups, downs and inbetweens. But even though it's a roller coaster ride, you wouldn't give it up. You wouldn't want to live without it. School is life. And that's how I feel.

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