No.20 - Back for good

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Aria's POV

After yesterday's events, I was trying to relax, so I watched Netlix in my bedroom with cookies and cream ice cream and Luke's sweater. I've been finding comfort in it lately. His scent sooths my anxious nerves. While doing so, I was trying to figure out a way to tell the rest of my family about the Janoskians. I couldn't manage to explain what happened with Luke without revealing the prophecy so I kept it to myself. The only person who knows about the prophecy being true, and it being me, is Ben. What am I going to do?

I was pulled out of my train of thought by the sound of the doorbell ring.

"Ugh, why are we never left in peace!" Ether moaned.

I heard her get up from her bed, open her bedroom door, slide down the banister and open the front door.

Then the most unexpected thing happened. She screamed... like a girl.

'OH MY GOODNESS! You're here!' She shouted. 'Aria! Jazzy! Melanie! Aiden! Mason! It's the Blue's!'

As the words left her lips, I teleported from my room to the front door and was the first to see my best friends again: Chase, Jason, Jeremy and last but certainly not least Benjamin.

'Doggie pile!' They enthusiastically screamed and before I could even react, they pulled me to the ground; piling on top of me with Jazzy, Aiden, Mason and Ether.

'OUCH! GUYS I'M CHOCKING! NOT BREATHING!' I screamed at the top of my lungs.

With that said, they reluctantly got off me, but instead embraced us in single hugs. One on One.

'I missed you much.' Ben whispered, softly stroking my hair.

'I missed you too.' I said, hugging him tighter.

'Okay guys, enough of this reunion, we have business to deal with.' Mason said, still smiling at the thought of me being at the bottom of their doggie pile.

"That wasn't funny, Mason!" I sent him in reply.

He giggled and walked into the study. We all followed in pursuit and stood around the table. On it was a map of LA, only a little different.

'So this is a map of LA, but with markings of all the traces of supernatural creatures we found.' Aiden said.

'Gosh, there are loads of them. Werewolves, Werejaguars, Werekyotes, Vampires, Nixes, Windigos, Hunters, Witches, Kitsunes, Nogitsunes, even Casters.' Chase said.

'Yeah. We have just landed ourselves in a very tight system.' Jason winced at the intricate map of lines, circles and dashes.

'But they're not our biggest problem.' I said.

'What's that supposed to mean?' Ether asked, startling me.

'Gosh I forgot you where here.' I mumbled.

'Just answer my question.' She said, urging me to continue.

'Well, we're not the only hybrids in town.' I whispered looking round the people at the table.

'It's them isn't it!' Melanie whisper shouted.

'Who's them?' The Blue boys said simultaneously.

'The Janoskians!' Aiden shouted. 'The ones that nicked me.'

'Would hardly call you getting slashed to the side, getting "nicked" Aiden.' Melanie stated with a smile on her face. Aiden just rolled his eyes.

'How do you know?'

'Luke told me.'

'The one that saw you naked?' Jazzy asked with a grin.


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