No.6 - Acquainted

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Finally it's Friday! After a long first week of school, filled with mean comments, long sullen silence and more mean comments, all the while I've been taught things I have never heard of before, its finally Friday. Lovely.

I changed into my baggy khaki trousers and a tight black top, with my black jacket. My hair was up in a messy bun with my bangs out and I had a snapback on. My earrings were hooped and my shoes were converse high tops. I looked like the almost perfect tomboy. My makeup was done in nude colours with a pink lip gloss and I had my purple penny board on me too.

Ether was a total tomboy, with her baggy grey joggers and green tank top. She had her black vans and black beanie on, with grungy makeup. Black colours: black lipstick and eyeliner. She was holding her green penny board in her hand and was texting on her phone.

'Hey Aria.' Jazzy whispered coming in the room from after me. She was wearing skinny blue jeans with a red t-shirt.

'Hey.' I replied with a smile.

'You guys coming?' I heard from behind me. I spun around and came face to face with Ben and his posse. All of them armed with skateboards.

'Yeah totally.' I replied as I headed for the door.

'Let's go skateboarding.'


As we headed around the town, we stumbled across a lonely Starbucks. I absolutely love coffee, so naturally we stopped off there.

'Hey. Are you from around here? I don't think you are, because if you were you would know that this is our table.' This random girl said sassily.

'Excuse me?' I said completely baffled by her rudeness.

'You heard me. Get up.' The dark blue haired girl said, with her friends backing her up, by standing behind her.

'No.' I said as I slowly stood up from my seat and looked the girl straight in the eyes.

'Move!' The girl said again, but this time her eyes were different. They were ocean blue. She was an elementalist.

'We're not leaving.' I pushed, slowly allowing my eyes to change from their sweet hazel to a bitter purple. She was really annoying me. Her chubby features and greasy hair made her look like she hadn't taken care of herself well. She had a black and grey dress on with brown rimmed glasses, which she had now pushed on top of her head, into her hair. She looked like the kind of girl you didn't want to hang out with in class, that picked her nose and ate it, and was terribly irritating.

Suddenly, my thoughts and feelings became clouded. It felt like I had mentally walked into a mist. Then I fell, mentally, into a pitfall. I was sucked into a wormhole of noise and pain. I hissed. What was going on?

Then something strange happened; I heard the girl's voice, but her lips were still.

"This girl needs to know what's mine. Didn't her parents teach her that you don't take what doesn't belong to you? I mean seriously, she's the freak. She should know better. So naïve. So stupid."

As quickly as I got sucked in, I was thrown out. I swayed on my legs and almost collapsed. Thank goodness for Ben. What was that? Suddenly I snapped out of my daze and reiterated the words I had heard. How dare she?! I looked at her face which was overridden with a smug grin, like she knew that I had heard her. I had to take a deep breath to refrain from attacking her. I took another. And another. But it was too late; I was too far gone. I only had one thought drumming through my skull, echoing like a heart beat: I'm going to shred this blue haired hobo. And boy, was I ready. I growled and readied myself to pounce.

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