No.30 - Assemble

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Aria's POV

Hell. It's been hell. Lucas and I don't seem to be able to see eye to eye. Ether has been acting distant. My pack almost seems to be dwindling in both spirit and number. Hell. It's been hell. I don't know what to do. I don't know what do say. I don't know how to make it better. I don't know what has changed. It's been a frantic tug of war when it comes to my pack. There is so much riding on our heads. So many lives at stake. So many futures dependent on us. There is so much responsibility on my shoulders some times I feel like I'm carrying the weight of the world. Then I realise that I am. Sitting here in the top of my willow tree, gives me an insight I never had in my life. I could see so much further than I usually would on the ground. I usually come up here to watch the sunrise and sunset. I came up here today to get away from everything; we all need space once in a while. Sitting up here in my willow tree gives me the strength to try again. Whenever my head gets to crowded, I come up here to gather my thoughts. I come up here to breathe freely. Deep breaths.

'Aria. The army fledgelings are here.' Lucas muttered to me, hesitant to disturb my solitude in my willow tree. Without answering him, I leaned back letting myself fall backwards out of the tree and on my feet. 

Ever since Ether sent out the call, we've been receiving  masses of people, hundreds of thousands, at our door. It's been madness. There are all sorts of people here: warriors, rogues, hunters, alphas, omegas. All have been joined with the spirit of fighting for what is right. We've had to put them in hotels owned by some of our rebel fighters considering some of them have come from the other side of the world for our cause. Hundreds of thousands of supernatural creatures have journeyed to LA. Casters, werewolves, vampires, succubi, fairies, shapeshifters, shadow hunters, witches, warlocks, kitsunes, mermaids, and hundreds more species. It was incredible.

'Lead the way.' I bluntly stated, not giving into his caramel eyes that beseeched me for emotion. His face fell as he proceeded to lead me to the Underground Assembly hall. My fingers ached to caress his soft chocolate hair, but I scolded myself. We first had to fix the water that laid beneath the bridge between us. Then, we would be able to rekindle our love.

'We have some leaders of species here, some rebel leaders and some civilians.' He mumbled as he held the door to the Assembly hall open for me to pass through. I looked at him longingly as I felt his wolf reach out to me. I simply sighed and walked through the door, muttering a quick thank you.

As I entered the hall, I was met by 7 distinct scents: werewolves, vampires, fairies, succubus, shadow hunters, witches and shape shifters. The 7 leaders were here, the leaders of the continents. I stood very still as I looked all of them over. Twins. A little blonde beauty. A well built red head. A dusty blond boy. A pink haired sweetheart. A cloaked emo. A freckled spitfire. That, and hundreds of thousands more people. I held my breath as I took in their numbers.

First there was silence.

I could hear the beating of hearts and the ticking of time.


Then all hell broke loose.

People were shouting in outrage. Disagreement fuelled tension. Fear fuelled violence. Fists were flying. Glasses were smashed. Punches were thrown. Guns were firing. Chaos. It was absolute chaos. There was a riot in my hall because of my appearance. I looked young, too young to lead an army. Too young to make decisions. I looked like I didn't know what I was doing. I looked dependent. But I wasn't. They thought they knew me, just from looking at my face. Just from looking at the colour of my skin they thought I was incompetent. How shallow.

A powerful growl tore through the hall causing wolves to grab at their ears, vampires to hiss and the noise to die. I cleared my throat softly.

'I assume you don't know me. Please be seated.' I stated dominantly, not leaving any room for argument. Reluctantly the hall was seated once again.

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