No.3 - Questionable

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Aria's POV

I turned around to face Ben with an angry expression, only to be surprised by his extatic state.

'Oh my gosh!!! I never knew you could do that!!!' He whisper-shouted at me as we walked into the hallway.

I simply shrugged. 'I don't like telling people about my abilities.'

'Why?! It's incredible.' He countered passionately.

'Not everyone thinks that. Most of the time the people I tell get scared and stay away from me.' I replied honestly.

He nodded understandingly.

We walked down the long hall way and turned to the left to see a massive, bright red door. Uh oh. It's her office. It has the label on it. As we grew nearer to our destination my heart started to quicken. I was afraid. I glanced at my sisters who had the same facial expression that I did. We took each other's hand and a deep breath. Then I looked over to the Blue boys. They looked a little frightened too. I did the same with them and we approached the door. It swung open without a knock. Whoa.

I peaked in. The room was pitch black apart from a red light that illuminated the desk. I saw a silhouette working at the desk.

'Come in children. Here we decide your fate.' I heard a voice say from inside the dark room.

I was the first to step in, dragging the rest of them with me. Then, the lady that shouted at us in the gym walking in behind us. The door slammed shut. Bang. I jumped at the sound. The lady from the gym walked up to the desk and began to confer with the silhouette in hushed tones.

'What!?!' The silhouette cried. 'She actually exists!?!?' For a split second I thought that she was angry.

The lady simply nodded.

'Where is she?' The silhouette said, her voice filled with so much sorrow I almost shedded a tear. It must have been my imagination.

'I'm here ma'am.' I said, as I stepped forward.

She got up from her desk and began to walk over to me. It was then that I realized. She is blind. Her stick tapped it's way towards me but, her posture was perfect. As she got closer I began to see her physical features. She had brownish blond hair with crystal grey eyes. She was quite a bit taller than me, but wasn't older than 20. She had a small button nose and a large smile, filled with perfect pearly white teeth. She looked strong, beautiful and powerful.

She reached out her hand and touched my face, tracing my features.

'Beautiful.' She muttered with a soft smile. 'What's your name, child?'

'Ariadne Pierce, ma'am.' I said.

'Pierce. No wonder you remind me of your mother, Charlotte. You look just like her, you know.' The headmistress said.

'There are others in this room.' She said as she looked past me and at the others. It was as if she had only just realized that we weren't alone.

'Hello. I'm Miss DiLaurent, your headmistress. May I ask what business you have here?'

'We were told that we needed to see you by a lady at the gym.'

'Oh, that's Mrs Fourn. My adversary. I take it you assisted Ariadne in the felony of breaking and entering our school's gym.' Miss DiLaurent said with a coy smile.

'Yup, that's us.' Ben said shyly as his gaze became fastened to the floor.


'Is it true. Can you control all the elements?' She whispered hopefully.

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