No.8 - Tainted Truths

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Aria's POV

Week 2. School. Filled with snide comments and soaked in attitude, I felt stumped in the realization that I was going to be here for another 7 years. Two weeks, and all I'd received is rudeness. All I've been, is pushed away. Rejected.

I brushed through my knotty hair with a sigh as I casted a glance at myself in the hanging mirror. Was I really ugly? Was I really a demon? Was I really evil? I stared until I felt the glass tremble under my frozen gaze. Hastily, I looked away.

'Hey Aria!'

I turned around to face my sister Jazzy, standing in my doorway.

'Hey Jazz, what's up?' I asked.

'I wanted to show you something.'

I nodded in admittion, allowing her to demonstrate.

Slowly she closed her eyes and disappeared; her ability was changing density.

'Jazz, I know you can do that. I've seen it befo--' I began, only to be cut off by my own shock, pride and astonishment.

Jazzy had channeled her power into the air, making everything invisible. We were looking straight at the sky and the rooms below. I could see everything: through the walls and past the doors. It was incredible.

'This is amazing! How long have you been able to do this?'

'An hour.' She replied, her voice slightly strained by the power she was emitting.

'What?!' I shouted, breaking Jazzy's concentration, resulting in her breaking the cloak of invisibility she casted over the bedroom.

'Oh sorry. I shouldn't have yelled.'

'That's fine. I've never held it for that long anyway.' She said proudly.

'What do you mean an hour?'

'Well... I basically woke up and my room was invisible. I was really confused to I used my invisibility to disappear and assess the area. When I did so, it faded. I came to the conclusion that it was my doing, so I kept going.'

'That's a beautiful ability, Jazzy.' I gushed.

'Thanks.' She smiled. 'It needs a bit of work though... Come on, let's get to school.'

Yay. School.
The time of chaos, humiliation and reputation destruction: lunchtime. I slowly walked into the cafeteria, dodging all the comments that were thrown my way.

'There she is again. Doesn't she see, she's not wanted?'

'She must be retarded if she thinks she'll fit in here.'

'She's not good enough to be with us. Just because she has some weird powers doesn't mean she belongs here.'

Then I caught sight of Ben.

'Hey Aria! Over here.' He beckoned.

I meandered through all the hatred and anger that clogged up the pores of the cafeteria and sat down at the table. All the gang was here.

'Why are they sitting with her? She's a freak!'

'She'll drag them down.'

'We have to warn them. She's a demon.'

'My mum thinks she's the devil incarnate.

'That's definitely a rumour to spread!'

'Hey! Can you shut up about my sister!?' Ether bellowed at the group of girls gossiping in the corner. 'Just because your lives are hell because you're talentless, doesn't mean you have the right to make someone else's life hell if they have something you don't. Which is in your case, a chance in life.'

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