No.31 - Truth

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Elijah's POV

Its been 3 months since the happy couple got back together. Miserable I'd say. Love; that's a whole different kind of chaos. Even though I do dabble in a bit of chaos, that stuff is too potent for me. Ivy is into that kind of chaos. After all, she is a red witch. My men and I, we aren't like Ivy. We are criminals, rebels, warriors. We don't have a place in society, that's why they lock us up. We aren't accepted like the rest are. We are misunderstood. We are poor. Our choices are what have made us the way we are. My men and I, we are a group of assassins, ninjas, thieves, rebels and monsters. Your worst nightmare would pale in comparison to the chaos we create. We bring absolute havoc. It's just what we do.

I was on my way to the Queen's quarters, thinking about our future. We're we really going to war? Was this the right decision? Do we have any other alternative? I couldn't tell whether I  was being blinded by my devotion to chaos. I loved it. My men and I, we survive on it. Without chaos we'd be nothing. But then again, surely, even in chaos, there are lines not to be crossed...

'You summoned me, my Queen.'

Sitting at her matte black desk, Ivy looked up at me with her gorgeous doe eyes and smiled. If she wasn't so cruel, I'd almost love her. But again, I don't dabble in a chaos such as love. I ran my fingers through my bloodstained black hair.

'Elijah.' Her soft voice eased my heart, as her scent soothed my pounding head. I looked up at her. 'I need an overview. What's happening with our dear Violet.'

'It's bad Ivy. Really bad.' I laid my file of Aria's progress down on her desk. 'Their numbers have increased from a few hundred to almost a million and more keep pouring in. They overrun and outnumber our men 4 to 1. I know our men are skilled, but Ivy we aren't going to win this war if they continue at this rate. It's only been 3 months and their numbers have quadrupled. I attended one of her preaching the other day. She's getting the people riled up. Her army is not only fighting alongside her, but they are with her.'

'This is going to be a problem.' Ivy muttered, bitting her plump bottom lip. She giggled.

'This is a huge problem Ivy. We need more warriors. We can't force anymore men to fight for us. We need a miracle to be able to match the rate Aria's army is growing.' I said forcefully, trying to get her to understand.

'Elijah, sweet Elijah, when have I ever let you down. You say we need a miracle. I have one.' Ivy's eyes gleamed with mischief as the beckoned me over. She slowly made her way across the floor, tapping the heel of her foot against the floorboards. Confused, I looked at her in question until I heard a hollow thud. Ivy's eyes snapped up to mine as she smiled cheekily. I smiled back. Then, she bent down to the floorboard and tapped the side, causing it to pop up. Assisting with the lifting of the floorboard, I sat beside her. Once the floorboard was removed, a black double bolted safe was revealed.

'In here, I have the moonstone. The very thing that binds supernatural creatures like werewolves and vampires to the moon. Whoever, possesses it and can harness its power, will rule over those that are bound by the moon. It is the original stone, cursed by the moon goddess.' She whispered as she began to open the safe up. Closing her eyes, she seemed to whisper something under her breath. Then the safe started to glow. She smiled to herself and grabbed a knife from her draw. As she aimed it to the palm of her hand I quickly stopped her.

'What are you doing?' I rushed out frantically.

'A blood payment is required. Something that holds so much power must be heavily guarded Elijah. Only someone with blood as powerful as mine can open the safe. It's merely a means of security.' Ivy said softly, pleased that I showed concern for her wellbeing.

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