No. 21 - School

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Ben's POV

I woke up early this morning. For school. I honestly can't believe I'm going back to high school. Really? This is the lowest of the low. The students are all either tools, have a really low self esteem or are just plain stupid. When Aria said, gain control over our abilities again I thought she meant something like training 24/7 or boot camp. Not high school! Why would I want to go back to high school?

I got out of bed and made some breakfast. I was half way through my bacon and egg sandwich when I heard someone walking down the stairs.

'Morning Aria, ready for your first day of school?' I said sarcastically.

She grumbled, walking over to the fridge. She got the most random things, making it into a sandwich, covering it in chocolate sauce and strawberry jam and took a huge bite out of it (emphasis on the 'it').

'Eww, Aria! What is even in that?' I exclaimed.

'I don't care, I'm just hungry!' She tried to say, spitting food everywhere.

'Okay, give me that.' I demanded.

'No, I like my... sandwich!' She replied, glancing at her creation and giggling.

I laughed. Why is her laugh so infectious? She's so cute.

She took another big bite. Gross. Cute, but gross.

'I'm calling your brother Mason.' I warned.

'Why? I haven't done anything wrong!' She spluttered, acting like a child.

'Oh my daze, MASON!' I shouted up the stairs. He came bounding down them in no time.

'What's the matter? What on earth are you eating?' Mason asked with a look of disgust on his face.

'It's my creation! It has a load of chocolate sauce and strawberry jam on it and it's amazing. Do you want to taste?'

Mason shook his head heavily, taking her "creation" out of her hands and throwing it away.

'Hey! I was eating that!' She said, stomping her foot immaturely.

'Exactly.' He said, making me laugh.

She huffed and stomped back up the stairs, a smile evident on her face.

'That's the problem. She's already started evolving. It starts with the constant hunger. Then comes the pain and after that comes the "I'm out of control" business.' I blandly stated.

'That's true, but she's our alpha. She's stronger than all of us put together and you know that. She'll pull through. She always does.'


Aria's POV

After my unusual breakfast, I had a quick shower and got changed into my short purple and black dress with a golden belt hanging on my waist. I applied minimal makeup consisting of mascara and eye liner, and grabbed my shoulder bag.

'Guys, come on let's go!' I shouted up the stairs.

First there was silence. Then the pounding of feet echoed through the house. It was like elephants running to a waterhole. You'd be surprised at their unenthusiastic faces, with that racket they were making. Shortly after that, all my pack was assembled in the living room, ready for school.

'We all happy?' I asked with a smile.


'Okay then. Lovely, let's go over the plan.'
Jai's POV

School... Yuck.

I walked down the stairs and met Luke in the dining room.

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