No.2 - Limits

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Aria's POV

We've been hanging out with the Blues for most of our freetime before school. We built a tree house in the willow tree, we've been inside their house and they've been inside ours. They helped me paint my room, and we designed theirs. To top it all off we've made a whole heap of trouble. We've made memories. We've become best friends. And at the age of 13, it meant a lot to me. It was the best holiday I had ever had. Even Aiden and Ether agree with me.

Hours turned to days, days turned to weeks and now the time has come. Tomorrow we are being shipped off to boarding school. But strangely enough, I'm not sad. The boys are coming with us, so I know I'll be okay. We've already started packing our stuff back up and into boxes. I wanted to take my books, but the whole family testified against me. Book haters. I only wanted to take my favourite ones. Meaning all of them. *cue cheesy grin*

I laid in bed thinking about school the next day. I hadn't seen the school before, so there was that extra bit of nerves adding on to my increasing pile of stress.

Tap tap tap-tap

I sighed as a smile teased its way onto my face. Ben's here. I stood up and wrapped myself in my dressing gown. I then strolled to the window and opened it. There he stood outside my balcony, throwing pebbles at my window. Just like Romeo. My Romeo.

'Hey.' I whispered with a smile as I bit my lip.

'Hey.' He replied with a side smirk. 'Can I come in?' He asked, his eyes glinting with mischief.

'Yeah, sure.' I replied, stepping out of the way so that he could climb up the vine. But he didn't. He just jumped. One jump, straight up from the ground to my balcony door. What?

'H-how did you--?' I stuttered as looked from the floor to the balcony. The distance was huge. You couldn't jump that if you were human... Oh.

'I think you already know the answer to that sweetheart.' Ben replied, still smirking at me.

'W-what? Y-you are?'

'Supernatural? Yes. So are my brothers. I was born this way. Not bitten. That's why I'm buff, it's a result of my genes.'

'How didn't I know this?' I stuttered out, now flustered by the close proximity of him. His scent was everywhere. Too. Close.

'We can hide our scent. So can you, but you didn't. I could smell you the day you arrived. That's why I was staring. Trying to get you to realize.' He said.

Because that makes so much more sense than him just being a creep.

'What are you?' I asked, still choking on his potent scent. It smelled too good.

'I'm a wolf hybrid. Like you. But instead of magic and element bending I have some other extras. Strength, speed, stamina. All that jazz.' He replied still smirking.

I shook my head, trying to clear my fuzzy thoughts.

'Who else knows?' I asked.

'Everyone in your family but you. I asked them to keep it from you because I wanted to be the one to tell you. I wanted to see the look on your face. And indeed it was priceless.' He said as he began to laugh.

'Hey! Don't laugh at me.' I said playfully as I pushed him away lightly.

'You know you love me.' He joked. But something in his tone said that he wasn't. Trying not to add to my prior confusion, I dismissed the remark and laid down on my bed face down. I felt the bed dip beside me. Too. Close.

'How am I supposed to go to a boarding school with my powers all over the place? Do they want me to kill someone?' I shouted into my pillow, only just audible to supernatural ears.

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