Chapter 33, Percy

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Hey there humans!!

So, exiting news! I've created a joined account, with my new best friend, @alexdiamond. The account is: @Dimondninja and we are working on an awesome PJO fan fiction with our own characters there! YAY!! So, when your done with this, go check that out!! :D

     I apologize for late posts, its been weeks I know. But, I have a valid excuse this time! well, it's valid enough. 1. School. Once again, every kids nightmare is still upon me, and it is inescapable. Taking up a great deal of time that could be used writing. Trust me, I'm thinking of this all the time. 2. I've been working on one of my favorite stories, ever. It's not on wattpad unfortunately, instead I'm planning on publishing it for real someday :) Sorry, but it also comes first. 3. So- Me: Shut up already! They do not care why your not updating, they just want you to do it already!

me: Well, your not very nice...

Me: I'm you.

me: ....well played.

Percy: Kill me now!

me: Are you sure you want me to do that?

Me: It won't be pretty I'll tell you that. I'll do it in a way no one will ever be able to find the body.

Percy: ...please don't hurt me.....

me: Awwwwwww...

 Me: Where is the fun in that?

Leo: Jack, your what's going to drive me insane. I hope you feel proud of yourself.

me: I do. I do.

Piper: *cough* like you weren't insane already *cough*

Jason: Ha! Nice.

Leo: Heeyy

Me: Piper your a lot funnier than you look!

Piper: Thank you very much.

me: Ok! You got me! I'm procrastinating! I really don't want to start the chapter! It's sooo much work!

Me: On with the story!

me: Noooo! 




     "It's your turn Percy." Hazel noted.

I sat up, running my hand though my hair, frowning when I felt a majorly of it was gone.

"Um, Rachel." I said, an idea hatching in my mind. "I dare you to fake a prophecy about someone getting weaved into Hades underwear."

Everyone started to laugh. "Percy, that's horrible!" Rachel cried, "That will scar them! Apollo will kill me!"

Upon hearing that, Annabeth sat up. "C'mon Rachel," she said, "You have to do it!"

Rachel slumped her shoulder, and trudged outside. I followed, along with Conner, Leo, Annabeth and Thalia. Rachel dashed around, towards the coliseum, shouting, "I have a prophecy! To the calcium!"

Soon, a large crowd was following Rachel to the coliseum. Once there, she climbed up where everyone could see her and lifted her arms. She pointed down at a random camper, and shouted, "You! You have the fate which other's fear! An eternity! As....."

Everyone held their breath. "Hades' Underwear!"

The kid screamed, and started to freak out. "What?! There must be more!"

Rachel swiveled around, and pointed to Conner. "And you! You to will share this fate!"

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Conner shouted, dropping to his knees. Rachel then ran off, avoiding the now freaking out crowd. I sniffled a laugh and dashed off too. When we where back at cabin three, everyone was laughing, except Conner. "I'm gonna be in Hades underwear!" He sobbed.

"Co-" Rachel started.

"What did I do so wrong?! WHY!"

"Conner your no-"


"It was a dare, remember?"

"Curse you Hades!"

There was a loud rumbling. There was a puff of smoke and Hades appeared at the door. "Who said that?" He shouted.

"Your gonna weave me into your underwear!" Conner groaned.

"Why would I do that?!"

"Well...I don't..."

"Wait." Hades said, "Your that kid who dared Nico to...."

"That is me. Is that why your going to weave my soul into your underwear?!"

"No! I'm not weaving anyone's soul into anything! But if you make me come here again, I will!"

With that Hades disappeared.


 I hope you laughed!

Dedicated to @screaminballoflames for the dare! AHAHAHAHAHAH!

Travis: Conner, I hate to say it, bu sometimes I'm ashamed to be your brother.

Conner: Why?

Travis: Because your an idiot.

Me: Ouch, dude. 

Conner: This is thee worst day ever, first I get weaved into Hades underwear,

Rachel: You where never weaved into Hades underwear!

Conner: Now Travis calls me an idiot.

Travis: I always call you an idiot, idiot.

Conner: Oh yeah....

Me: Besides, the day isn't over yet. I can grantee things will be a lot worse form now on. MOOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

Conner: Hey! that's my thing!

Me: We already when through this Conner. I'm the author I make the rules.

Conner: Bu-

Me: Do not take me for some conjuring fool!

Conner: .......


Truth or Dare Percy Jackson Fan Fic {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now