Nico VS. Nico's Secret Gf aka His Fangirl

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  • Dedicated to Anubis, god of the Dead

Me: And then the duck said, 'Got any grapes?' 

*cricket chirps in the background*

Me: -_- you guys are supposed to laugh at that.

Percy: Uhh...ha. ha. ha..?

Me: Eh, I'll take it.

Nico: That was by far the lamest joke I've ever heard. I think-

Nico fangirl: Nico!! There you are!! *grabs Nico's face and starts kissing him*

Everyone: *raised eyebrows and gapes*

Piper: *covers Leo's eyes* 

Leo: Heeeeyyyyyyy.....!

Hazel: When did Nico get a girlfriend...?

Annabeth: More importantly, how did Nico get a girlfriend..?

Percy: HA! Good job man! You've finally done it! *wipes fake tear* My little boy's all grown up...

Jason: *pats Percy's back* I know man...

Nico: *strangled sound*

Me: I honestly cant tell if she's kissing him or literally trying to tear the flesh from his face.....

Conner: I am utterly scarred for life....O.O

Leo: I'm kind of glad Piper's covering my eyes now.....

Piper: O.O You should be.

Nico: *somehow breaks free for air* She's not! *Gasp* My girlfriend!

Jason: Then who the Hades is she??

Nico: No-Ide- *gets kissed again*

Me: .....Okay, lets brainstorm. What could he be saying? Ide...alist? Menzel? Ide-

Annabeth: Idea? 

Me: Yes! He said 'No idea'! Man, I'm such a genius. I surprise myself sometimes. 

Annabeth: -_-

Travis: Well boys, lets pull out the shovel again! 

Connor: *evil grin* 

Frank: Why can't we just use Jack's wand?

Me: *sigh* Hermione told me I wasn't allowed to use it for 'domestic problems'...*heaves sigh*

Annabeth: Who's Hermione?

Me: Your secret British twin. ( I mean seriously, Rick didn't even try with that. They're like the same... -_-) 

Annabeth: What?!

Conner: Got the shovel! 

Conner: *jabs the fangirl with shovel* It doesn't seem to be doing anything to it!

Percy: Wait, which 'it' is which? The fanigirl, the shovel or Nico?

Leo: *snorts* 

Travis: Okay, onto plan C! 

Annabeth: Where did plan B go? 

Travis: *shrug* I hate it with lunch. 

*everyone sports a confused look* 

Travis: Okay, the plan is everyone take hold of it's, the fangirl's, limbs and we'll pull it off! :D

Me: That was so stupidly genius I'm surprised that you came up with it. 

Travis: I don't know if I should be angry or happy at that statement....

Jason: Okay! On the count of three, everyone pull! 

Truth or Dare Percy Jackson Fan Fic {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now