Capitolo XV [ Confession ]

149 10 12

Clock 15 "Confession"

Extra Note: [Kurakku Haatsu! Marchu Month today desu!!! Hope you keep reading!!!]




[.......Stop this, its scary....]

 Inside Laurettes' mind, he was falling into a deep sea....

I dont want to see it!

{{The what?}}

Those bloodstained mansion...

{{But why?}}

Because its scary!

{{But why?}}

I dont know!

{{Yes you do know.}}

No! I-I--!

{{Yes you do}}

No becoz i-i---

Thats right.






Becoz its all your fault...




Currently Laurette was going bersek, he could hear his voice his voice that has the alternation of his personality...He doesnt listen to anyone until...

He heard it.

He heard, Her voice.


In a gasp of an eye he stopped.


Alice was crying, tears...Tears falling on the ground. Holding her bleeding left arm. Panting heavily.

"..Alice...?" Laurette was..Like he doesnt get any of whats' happening just now.

Alice was walking towards her...Slowly...Slowly...Until Laurette noticed, Alice left arm was bleeding.

Dragging together with her Tempus' soul sword....

"...Laurette....-pants- Laurette...-pants..." Repeating Laurettes' name. (Alice)

"...Anas...Tasia...san...?" Stefan was also confused of what exactly happening.

"Laurette..." And finally , Aliice had reached him. Alice, she, she rested on Laurettes' arms. She hugged him.

"Laurette, dont hurt yourself anymore, its ok not to remember right..? Right...?" Tears falling...tears falling...

"...Laurette..please dont forget, what is the real thing you should be helping at..." with her last whisper Alice looses her conciusness.

"A-Alice-UGH..-" Laurettes' neck is still bleeding a lot, he cant talk properly.

"Anastasia-san! Are you alright?" Stefan who goes toward him and as Stefan averted his eyes to Alice.

(" This girl, when did this girl come here?") Stefan wondered, but oh well it doesnt matter.

"Anastasia-san lets get out of here..." When Laurette was about to take his offer a blast of shuriken hinder their hands in a flash!

♣~♦ Clock of Hearts ~♥ PARADOXTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon