Operation K.I.L.L. [Chapter 17]

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Operation K.I.L.L.

Chapter 17

"WHAT?! What happened?! How?!" I started yelling questions at Dan. It couldn't be. No. This was some sort of joke.

"I can't talk about it here. There are too many people. Just come down to the hospital. Room 320." I heard Dan's voice through the phone, and sure enough there were plenty of voices in the background.

I was going to protest, but I knew better. "Alright, I'll be there in five." I hung the phone up and started running towards the door.

"What's going on?" Chad asked.

I looked behind me for a second, "Lily, she's in a coma. I need to get to the hospital." I turned back around and continued running.

I ran down the stairs and through the lobby, earning a few looks from people. But I didn't care. My best friend was in a coma. I wasn't running really fast, but once I was outside I started running as fast as I could.

I was faintly aware of someone following me, maybe more than one person, but nothing mattered. I had to get to the hospital. I pushed my legs faster trying not to think about Lily. But you know why you try to not think about something, it just makes you think about that something even more.

Yeah, well that's what was happening to me. I finally pushed it to the back of my mind and focused on the sidewalk ahead of me. I ran and ran.

I tried summoning up from my memory which way the hospital was. I could remember seeing signs just up ahead.

Sure enough after running another few feet, a sign pointing to the hospital came into view. I followed the sign and turned right.

A few more feet...

I burst through the hospital doors and ran to the elevator. There was someone trying to get my attention, probably wondering what I was doing, but I ignored her and hopped into the elevator.

It was just about to close when both Logan and Chad stepped in. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

Chad just gave me a 'duh' look, while Logan just shrugged. Just as the elevator started moving it popped into my mind of what had occurred earlier. I killed someone using an elevator. Aw shit. I should have looked before stepping into the elevator. This is how people die.

I shook my head, only thankful that that had not happened to me.

The boring elevator music sang as we slowly crawled up the floors. I hate how when you're in a rush it seems everything just moves slower. Life just hates people that way.

After what seemed like hours the elevator stopped moving and I heard a 'ding'. The minute that the doors opened I ran out and looked around, trying to figure out which way I should turn.

The room towards the left was room 349, while the room towards my right was 350. So turned left and ran down the hall until the numbers started getting into the twenties. I stopped when I came across number 320 and pulled the door open.

Sure enough Lily was laying their, looking as still as ever, with Dan right next to her.

I can say with one hundred percent certainly that I have /never/ seen Dan so sad in the whole time that I have known him. Logan has known him much longer, but he must not have ever seen Dan like this either. Because when Logan reached the room he walked to Dan and it looked like he was trying to comfort him, without looking to girly of course.

Logan pulled Dan into an awkward man hug, and I saw tears start to slowly make their way down Dan's face.

Just then a soft voice spoke into my ear, "This is why I said we needed to stay away from each other." My head whipped around only to reveal Chad.

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